
OMG I feel like dying.........

Some have read hubby went on first business trip since boys were born they are 8 weeks old but are just now at due date. He left last night,


I am sooo sick been throwing up, runs, fever of almost 100 my body hurts, and this afternoon I got my first period since birth and feel like my cramps are ripping my insides out. I can't keep nothing in or down. Hubby may be able to fly in tonight for one day and go back tomorrow, nothing def yet.

How do I do this alone and sick. They are preemies too so I scared of them getting sick. I feel like death. Oh all family works or has children and since they haven't gotten RSV shot yet those people are limited and my Mom is disabled, I have freaking no one. I am losing it a bit here.

Re: OMG I feel like dying.........

  • I'm so sorry.

    You need help.  Honestly, this is the time to call in favors from family or friends.  Can one of your family members who works take one vacation day to help you?  Or maybe call a nanny agency that has temporary nannies? Or ask for help from your local mothers of multiples club? 

    Tomorrow's veteran's day, do any of your friends or family work for the government and have the day off? could they come over for the day?

  • oh gosh... that sounds so miserable. 

    i agree with pp.  anyone who has said "let me know if you need anything," call them.  even if it's just meals or picking up your medicine or just helping with the babies for a few hours... anything will help.

    hang in there!

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  • I agree that you need's hard enough taking care of 8 week old preemies, let alone when you are sick.  Is there anyone you can think of to call?  Even if it's just for a little while so you can take a quick nap or run to the drs?  Do you have swings?  I can remember countless nights of sleeping on the couch with them in the swings just so I had a quick break/sleep.  Hang in there and let us know how it goes! 
  • Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. ?I completely understand - I had food poisoning over the weekend and also felt like dying - and left 100% of my girls care to my husband. ?I wish I could help you!! ?Where in Nashville are you? ?I can bring by dinner if that would help. ?Otherwise, call this agency and ask for a nanny to come over and help - they are great and everyone there is CPR certified and background checked:

    ?Family Care Connection

    They charge a $10 placement fee and then about $12/hour for twins...but it'll be worth it to get through this time right now. ??


    ?When you call - speak to Katy and ask her to get someone to your house ASAP - they can have someone there in a matter of hours.

    Hugs!!! ?Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!


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