August 2011 Moms

Holy shizzzzz!

Did you guys see this?

(January 2013 - Delivered my DS in my pant leg) 

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Re: Holy shizzzzz!

  • Yes! I'm not one to shiit on someone's birth story but FFS that was hilarious.
  • I have never understood stories like this, but it happens all the time. One push and no pain and their baby is in their arms. Seriously unbelieveable!
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  • OK, I don't mean to be the Scare Tactics Lady up in here but I know someone IRL who had a family history of severly quick births. Her mother had five babies. and tragically, the fifth one came so quick they were rushing her down the hall and it slid out. It died. Ugh ugh ugh. I know. I know. I know. Women just have to trust themselves and their bodies over anybody else! The woman I know also had incredibly quick births. Each birth got faster and faster. 
  • imageeesome:
    One push and no pain and their baby is in their arms.

    I know, right? I am not wishing to deliver my baby in my pant leg, but man, to make it all the way to the finish line without ever really being in pain? I'll admit I'm a tad bit envious.

    The part about her 3 year old being so oblivious to the whole thing "Oh hey look, baby's here" really made me smile.

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  • My mouth was hanging open reading that.  OMG, the thought of delivering this baby at home terrifies me!

    This really reinforces a convo I just had with my mom about an hour ago.  I was telling her that while I want her at the hospital, I'd rather her come to my house when it's time for DH and I to leave, as opposed to waiting for my ILs.  And then my mom (who has a 5 min drive) can wait for my ILs, who have at least a 30 min drive to get here. 

    Deeep breaths...!

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  • Omg.  I'm glad she has a sense of humor.
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  • imageMonsieur_et_Madame_Ha:

    One push and no pain and their baby is in their arms.

    I know, right? I am not wishing to deliver my baby in my pant leg, but man, to make it all the way to the finish line without ever really being in pain? I'll admit I'm a tad bit envious.

    The part about her 3 year old being so oblivious to the whole thing "Oh hey look, baby's here" really made me smile.

    The part about her three year old was cute. The rest of the story; whoa.
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  • Wowzer bowzer!!!
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  • We live in a rural area where the hospital is about 45 minutes away. I know this woman with her last birth who left home as soon her water broke (I assume no contractions before that) and when they arrived at the ER she was crowning. Apparently the husband drove the minivan 110 mph! It is crazy how fast some people can give birth! I am not at all worried about that for myself...this was her fourth baby and she always had quick births.
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  • My mom had her 2nd kid in the car while dad was driving, they got to the birthing hospital, the doc snipped cord checked them out and sent them home, 6 hours later. 

    My mom had a feeling, but my dad said "he read the books he had hours". HA Jokes on him!


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