Military Families


So i got super excited when i saw this board. My fiance is in the Airforce and is currently in AIT, and we just learn we've got a little one on the way! Hi to everyone here :D Any advice or suggestions? We're kinda young so we could use all the tips and advice we can get.

Re: HI!

  • My suggestion would be take advantage of family services on your base, which they should have. They have baby classes, new parent support teams, certified car seat installers, they can get you hooked up with lactation specialists and more. The family services group here will meet with parents or mom one on one and talk about pretty much anything you want having to do with your baby. Mine even told me to send her the big ticket items I have picked and she would do research on everything and let me know if I am picking good products. I love it and can't believe it is a free service.


    Good luck!

  • Aw that sounds great! I'll have to mention that to my fiance. Thanks!
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  • Congrats on the baby!  The ACS on our post offers a New Parent Support program to help with questions/etc. They start from pregnancy and work with you after the baby is born. 
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