My DD1 was born via c/s and was 9lbs 6oz. 23months later DD2 was born VBAC and i was so thankful to have the birth I wanted.
with DD2 I labored naturally until i got to 7cm and then had them administer the epidural. i got to sleep for a few hours, and a few hours later i had gotten to 10cm and was ready to push. just 5 min of pushing and my sweet baby girl was here. the recovery was so much better with my vaginal delivery, and i even got to get up and take a bath that same day. i left the hospital two days later, and even though i had a 2nd degree tear from my 8lb 11oz girl, i felt amazing. just a few short weeks later, i've been feeling my best, and so hoping for another amazing birth like this next time.
i always read these stories when i was worried about VBAC and wanted to give inspiration to those contemplating between VBAC & RCS. if i got to choose, i would never again have a csect.
good luck mamas!
Re: my successful VBAC story!
How wonderful! Congratulations!
If you don't mind sharing, did you labor at home for a long time or did you get to 7 cm while laboring in the hospital? How long was your labor?
thanks! yes my labor started at 3:00pm, i didn't realize it was labor until about 7:00pm (i was induced with DD1) and we left for the hospital around 8:00pm. I was dedicated to my VBAC, and the closest hospital was about 4 hours driving distance. we got to the hospital at 1:30am and that's when they checked me initialy at a 5cm, and a few minutes later at 7cm. I recieved the epidural shortly after and got some sleep. I woke up around 6am and had only progressed to 8cm (the epidural slows me down i guess). the doctor had the nurses put me in differnet positions to get fully dialated. by 9:30am I was fully dialated to a 10cm and the doctor had me push and just a few short pushes and she was here!
hope my story inspires others to go after their VBAC if that's what they want. it meant everything to me to have a successful VBAC and i'm so thankful I was blessed to experience that. My doctor was fully supportive as was my DH.
How far along were you before you went into labor?