Cloth Diapering

Good News, Bad News - Help wanted

The good news is he was wearing a double gusseted cover that held in all the poo. The bad news is the cover was over a flat, so I had what felt like a queen-sized bed sheet full of poo to spray.

I thought I was being smart and conserving wipes by using the corners of the flat to help clean up DS's bottom, but that just created more mess to try to spray. How on earth do you get poo off a flat without having to clean the whole bathroom afterward?




Re: Good News, Bad News - Help wanted

  • dunk it or as nasty as it sounds, do it in the bath tub then clean and sanitize the entire tub? Ick!

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  • I agree with PP.  Dunk the diaper in the toilet and then, if you feel you must spray, spray as you are slowly pulling the diaper up and out of the toilet.  This should contain the mess.
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  • Spray pal, its awesome.
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  • We have yet to get a sprayer, so I have been holding the diaper by one corner and dunking in the toilet, and then flushing - don't let go! Do this a couple of times and it's ready to go in the diaper pail, or you could then spray.
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