Cloth Diapering

Barnyard stink after a couple of hours...

Using too much detergent and need to strip (use Tide original) or not enough? I try and change both kiddos (nope...oldest still isn't PT) every 2 hours but if we are out, or baby is sleeping its sometimes every 3-4. I've noticed their diapers smell like barnyard stink after some time. I use 2.5T of Tide, wash on hot and do a total of 3 rinses. Thoughts?
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Re: Barnyard stink after a couple of hours...

  • Barnyard stink means not enough detergent, I think.
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  • Barnyard means not clean. So more detergent (and don't waste your time stripping because it won't help).

    When you say 3 rinses, do you mean 1 pre-rinse and then 2 rinses with your hot detergent wash? If so, that's fine, but there is no need to do 3 rinses with your hot wash.

    So, try:

    1. More detergent.

    2. Warm or hot pre-rinse/pre-wash without detergent to help rinse away the 'ick' on your diapers so your detergent wash can do its job. I sometimes put a teeny bit of detergent in this step if I have an especially gross load.

    3. Hot wash with detergent and extra rinse.

    Good luck!

    Also, I found this blog post from Abby's Lane really helpful for diaper washing:

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  • Thanks! Will try more detergent. I do a warm pre-rinse, hot/cold wash with 2 extra cold rinses.

    Checking out that link now. Thanks :) 

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