I've got scheduled PTO tomorrow, and DH has work and DS will be at day care. I'm really looking forward to a day home alone, so I can clean, go grocery shopping, watch soaps, and just be alone. Now, they're calling for some snow here, and if one or both of them has to stay home, I'm not going to be happy about it.
Re: Early FFFC-Since today is my Friday
I don't blame you. Oh what I wouldn't give for a full day of uninterrupted me time...
DS2 August 2012
I won't be here tomorrow either, so here's mine. I never sent out our Christmas cards. I feel like such an asss. I even asked some friends a couple of weeks ago if I should still bother and they all said yes and I STILL haven't done it.
FWIW, I did pass them out to friends and family that I see in person, but I know they're not really the ones that need them (as if anyone actually needs them lol).
I'd be irked too.
I'm also irked that today is not my Friday.
My early FFFC - my kitchen floor is filthy. We keep having rain in our forecast so I put off cleaning the floor because it's just going to get mud and wet debris tracked in the next day. It's getting pretty gross so I think I'm going to have to suck it up and clean it, knowing it will be ruined within 24 hours.
BFP #2 5/27/12. EDD 2/1/13. m/c and D&C 6/21/12.
I hate planning other people's events...
I was MOH in my sister's wedding and I didn't plan her shower or bachelorette party. She got married 2 weeks after I graduated college, so the time leading up to the wedding I was super busy, plus I was 2 hours away. My aunt threw her shower and her BFF threw the bachelorette party.
To make this even more flamable, I found a MOH speech online instead of making something up myself. A few years later I confessed to her, but most people still think I wrote it myself.
This is so totally understandable!
My early FFFC is that I regularly wear spanx to work. I can't get rid of the chub!
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Sorry you're going to have to do all the work alone.
My kitchen/dining room floor is effing disgusting. We use the kitchen door as our "main" door so everything is tracked in. I sweep every day and I swear I get an entire dust tray full of sh!t. Every time I sweep I say to myself that I need to mop or steam the floor (especially under the table where DS dumps his meals). But then I'm like "well, DS is just gonna dump more food. And there's people coming over who are just gonna track their muddy boots in...."
My floor has not been steamed for much too long.
I am seriously considering going to comicon in Toronto this spring.
No flaming here!
I took time off over the holidays. That included two days that the girls DC was open. I figured I'd do one "girls day" and I'd send them off to DC the other for some "me" time.
DH then decided to take those days off to spend with me. Awwww sweet - NOT! I wanted my ME time, dammit!
I thought I was the only one!
Even though it is Thursday I'm counting this as a page 1 FFFC!
I'm doing this on Monday. My office is closed for Mlk day and I'm sending dd to dc. I have big plans for cooking and cleaning but I'm kidding myself and will most likely stay in bed and watch bad tv. I'm also watching the weather like a hawk to make sure dh won't be off due to rain. So far so good!
I'm very jealous. Every night it's "Mommy read Giggle Giggle, Mommy read My Dad, Mommy read Mickey Mouse." If I don't do all 3 with mickey last it turns into a half hour fit.