It's been a while since we've had this post. I'll start and please chime in with any recent funnies your LO has said or did.
We are in the market for a new car and I asked DD1 what kind we should get.
DD1: An ice cream truck! It will play music and you can quit your job and sell ice cream!
We chuckled but for a minute I did entertain the idea of quitting my job for a less stressful career in the ice-cream business
Re: Sh!t kids say
DD: Mommy, I don't want our baby. I want a different baby.
Me: What baby would you like?
DD: I want the Silent Night baby.
Me: You want to trade in your sister for baby Jesus?
DD: Yeah.
DD2: Jupiter has a spot!
Me: Hey, you're right!
DD2: And Mars has marshmallows.
Me: Ummmm ...
DH taught them the word "famished." So last night around dinner time, I start hearing this:
DD2: I'm starving!
DD1: I'm famished!
DD2: I'm famist, too. (Her pronunciation of it cracks me up.)
DD1: No, *you're* starving and *I'm* famished.
DD2: I'm famist too!
DD1: We're both famished, Mama!
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
OMG....LOL. Projectile tea over desk. So freaking funny!
Flash back to August 2012...
Me: How was your first day of pre-kindergarten?
DS: I listened to directions, obeyed the rules, now I'm in 1st grade.
These are a great afternoon laugh.
Emmy-I think that is one for the baby book
Uconn & Fred- I know it's wrong but when kids cuss it's Effin' hysterical!
I have tears in my eyes from trying not to disrupt others at work with my uncontainable giggling.... that's what I get for bumping at work I guess.
DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
My Easy Cooking Blog
I love reading all of these!!
DS goes over to his train table and starts taking out pieces of track.
DS: Mommy, build me a freaking track!
Me: DS, That's not how we talk!
DS: Build me a freaking track, PLEASE!
Me: You mean, build me a SILLY track!
DS: Yeah, a silly track
Last night I was watching tv with the kids when
DD said "Mommy can you have more babies?"
Shocked I said "More babies?! I think Mommy and Daddy are done having babies."
DD "But I want more babies, boy babies!"
lol I told her that right now it is just her and her brother and because of that they will have more adventures and get to do more stuff.
At the bank-cemetary across the street:
DD: Look at those machines, mommy. Are they are building a playground?
Me: They are building graves.
DD To put flowers in
Me: To put people in
DS Brooklyn (friends cat) died.
DD: How sad-but they can get a new one.
DS: Hey, but do you want to know the best part about dying. You get flowers.
DD: You're right, thank you for remembering that.
My three year old poked my breasts and asked what was in my shirt.
I told her that they are breasts, and I reminded her that they're used to feed babies (as opposed to selling cars and chicken wings, lol).
She asked if that's why I need a bra. I told her it was.
She told me she needed a bra. I explained to her that she'd need one some day, but not now, because she's still a young girl.
She told me she does have breasts, they're just "teeny, tiny ones".