Not really, but trying to balance having a job and being a mom is REALLY hard... Especially during winter. We have all been taking turns being sick in my house for the last month and I keep having to take off of work. My H owns his own business and it is very costly to our family for him to take off of work, so I normally am the one to stay home with sick kids. I called in sick Monday because I was sick. This morning I went in to work late because of snow. I was only there for 3 hours when DS barfs and I have to leave. Its just so hard to manage it all.
And poor DS. I hope that he is not going to be very ill with a virus. He threw up once at 12:30 and has been asleep since we got home at 1:30. :-(
Re: I am going to get fired.
I know how you feel. I have taken off a lot because DD was so sick. This last time H took off work because my sister, who watches DD, got sick. I just couldn't take another day.......and guess what DH's boss said to him
"You gotta decide whether your job or your wife's is more important."
what an azz! They are both important! And my H has barely taken any time off work and he is there till 7 or 8pm every night when everyone else goes home at 5.
sorry I vented in your post.
I feel your pain - in this pay period (80hrs) I've had to take 45hrs of sick leave for DS, first 103 fever and then two days later the stomach flu right now. I work mostly with men whose wives stayed at home with the kids, so they don't really understand. DH has less leave than me and a higher pressure job, so sick kid = me staying home. I usually go to work if I'm sick with a cold and I get a bunch of crap about getting people sick - I warn everyone to stay away and do what I can to not come in contact with people, etc. but I don't have the leave to stay home every time I'm sick and my DS is sick. Unless they want to let me work from home (which they won't) it's what I have to do. I'm a mom who happens to also work full time outside the home and my mom responsibilities are more pressing.
Sorry for the rant on your post, I understand how frustrating it is.
I understand how you are feeling 100%. I really dislike the guilty feeling that I have whenever I end up having to be home with a sick kiddo. I always feel guilty for leaving my class in the hands of a sub and then I feel guilty that I'm worrying about my class when my attention should be focused on my daughter. It's when DD is sick that I start to wish I'd chosen a career other than teaching.
I am fortunate that my DH has a job where he works 24 hours and then is off for 48 hours. So, typically, if DD is sick, I only have to miss one day and that's if she happens to get sick on the day of his shift (he cannot call in the day of). However, DD has an uncanny ability to get sick when he cannot stay home with her. It's quite amazing, lol!