LO's future last name is a common noun, like Ball. For that reason, I always stayed from first names that were also adjectives, like Violet, or other nouns, like Daisy.
I really like the name Hazel, but just recently realized that its also an adjective! Would you think it was strange if someone's name was Hazel Ball? Its not a normal adjective-noun combination like Hazel Eyes, but still descriptive. Thoughts?
Re: First name adjective, Last name noun?
Married: October 23, 2010
DS: 8/7/2013
#2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016
This. Some combos sound fine other are silly. You'll have to try them out.
I know a Summer Flowers and a Paige Turner
Anyway, I agree. And although some of the intentional adjective-noun (or, in the case of Paige, noun-verb) names are kinda cheesy, to me they sound better than odd, random ones like Hazel Ball.