I had a C-section last pregnancy, but it was not planned. I didn't do any research about recovery and just wanted to know from your experience what would work best.
I only used the compression belt thing that they sent me home with from the hospital. I used it for several weeks and it did seem to help. Would it be a good idea for me to buy a different one to use once home? I've seen a lot of advertisements for these kind of belts, but don't know if they are any better than the one they give you in the hospital.
Also, I've seen something called C-Panty and wanted to know if anyone has tried this and if it was helpful/useful. Any other advise would be appreciated.
Thank you!!
Re: Recovery/Compression Belt
I also only used the hospital compression belt after my first csection. I did buy a pregnancy support belt to help with hip pain during my second pregnancy and thought I would use it after my second csection. The secon csection went much better than the first and I didn't need to use anything.
I would hold off on buying anything until you know whether or not you will need it. The one from the hospital will probably work well enough if you need something right away.
I haven't heard of the C-Panty so I can't offer any insight into that.