
breathing treatments?

I took DD (the 3-month old) to the pedi on Wednesday because she's had a cough and chest congestion for a couple weeks now, and the pedi gave her a breathing treatment with the nebulizer in the office and listened to her chest and said she could tell it made a difference. ?So she gave us a nebulizer to take home and we've been giving her breathing treatments several times a day since then, but I really can't tell a difference in her. ?She definitely enjoys the treatments (she will sit calmly for them, even if she was screaming beforehand), but I can't tell a difference in her breathing. ?If you've had to do this with your baby, how long did you have to give the treatments before noticing a difference? ?The pedi put 6 refills on the prescription, but since the medicine was super-expensive I'm not eager to refill it unless I notice a definite improvement.

Re: breathing treatments?

  • Usually I'd notice right after the treatment she'd be coughing more but in a few days, I saw a big change and it was the only thing that finally cleared her cough that lingered for almost 2 months. I'd stick with it.
  • I noticed a difference right away.  DS had this terrible wheezing in between coughs and once we'd give him a treatment you couldn't hear the wheezing anymore.  Then again he screamed through the entire treatment (which is actually good since he takes deep breaths when he's screaming really getting the medicine into his lungs).  He still had the cough for a little while but the wheezing was gone immediately.  We only had to give him a couple of treatments at a time.  Maybe call your pedi and discuss it with him/her before stopping the treatments?
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