
Downtown Abbey

I have heard great things about this today I am giving in and starting season 1 on Netflix! Just thought I would share, I am pretty excited. Do any of you watch the show??

Re: Downtown Abbey

  • I love Downton Abbey. Series 3 just started on PBS, and it is very good so far.
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  • imagemabenner1:
    I love Downton Abbey. Series 3 just started on PBS, and it is very good so far.

    yay! I can't wait! 

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  • We watched season 1 2 over Christmas vacation and are at real time for current season. It's awesome!!! Enjoy!
  • Prepared to be addicted! It's a beautiful show.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • It's kind of awesome.

    I just got caught up a few days ago. It only took me about a week from start to finish.  When you consider that each episode is about an hour long and I have two small children, that tells you how addictive it is.

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  • And if you like that, you should also try Upstairs, Downstairs, the newer version. The costumes aren't as grand, but really good.
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  • I watched the first episode and really liked it! I can see this could be addict img..gah, just what I need another show! :)
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