I've been lurking a lot and commenting here and there but I wanted to come update. CJ is now over 4 lbs (last night's weight was 4lb 13 oz) and he was put in an open crib yesterday! I am so proud of my baby boy! He has been off of respiratory support for about a week and they tried to nipple him yesterday and he didn't do to good but they will try again soon. I have been sick so I haven't seen him really but I had to drop milk off for the NICU yesterday and the neonatalogist told me 2 weeks and he should be home! I am taking it with a grain of salt because of the stories I have read about discharge but it is so good to have an end in sight! When CJ learns to bottle feed he will come home. I am so excited and so terrified. I'm scared I won't hear him when he wakes at night and cries. I am terrified T will be rough on him. I am scared when CJ cries that T will wake up because we will all be in the same room and VERY concerned T will get sick and CJ will catch it. Anyone bring a preemie home with an older child who was in school or daycare? Tips?
Trenton Elijah born three weeks early due to pre-e on April 14, 2011. Weighing 6lbs 6.3oz, 18 inches long.
Cameron Jacob (CJ) came early @ 25w4d on November 16, 2012 due to placenta abruption and incompetent cervix . Weighing 1lb 15.5oz, 14 inches long.
Expecting a winter baby. Stay put LO!
Re: Happy!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
Each of their teachers agreed to be extra diligent about making sure they washed their hands several times a day, and they were permitted to carry a pocket size hand sanitizer.
At home, we put an egg timer in the bathroom, and both kids are able to set it and wash for three minutes as SOON as they come home from school. There is also Purell located in multiple places around the house, and they are encouraged to use it after...well, just about anything, and ALWAYS before touching their sisters.
DS and DD have been home sick from school with chest colds, but the babies have managed to escape anything thus far.
Good luck to you!
Wonderful news Mama! I've been wondering about you and your little guy. Keep up the good work CJ.
I actually brought DD#2 home in March 2012 and her older sister was in Daycare. I was able to get one synagis shot for her. But because it was at the end of RSV season last year they just wanted me to be cautious. Has your doctor said anything about keeping LO on lockdown? They may request that you pull DS#1 from daycare. Definitely ask these questions.
Please keep us posted.