I'd like to wear our baby (due in mid July) but am concerned about the carrier fitting me... as if the many varieties of carriers weren't overwhelming enough! I tend to carry my weight in my belly & back-- I look like an apple teetering on two toothpicks!--and wear a 22/24 or 3x in tops. Are there any plus size mamas who have suggestions?
I already used Google. Just hoping for some more personal recommendations.
Re: Plus size baby wearing
Woven wraps (and probably a moby) can work great. Woven wraps are wonderful because there are so many carries that you can use and you can get wraps in whatever size works best for you. I am a size 18 or 20 and love my size 7 wraps. They do take practice, but it really isn't that hard.
I'm a size 20, I have a Moby and an Ergo. The Moby is just long enough for me. I can tie in front, but it's not as comfortable - I usually tie behind me or have DH tie it on the side. I just got the Ergo for Christmas, I was afraid that I would need the waist extender, but it fits me quite well.
DH likes the Ergo better than the Moby, he can't figure out how to tie the Moby by himself. He has worn LO in it, but I wrapped it for him.
I am (was, pregnant again!) a size 20 and used the "Moby". I made a DIY Moby out of fabric so that I could make it a little longer and to fit me well. Worked out great and saved me about $35 in the end! I took DS everywhere in that thing! Need to drag it out and wash it for this next LO!
I own two wraps one 7 and a 6. I can do a front cross carry with both though the six is on the very end. I would definitely go with a 7 if that is your only wrap. Both my wraps are natibaby the 7 is cotton and thinner than my 6 which is a silk blend. I didn't use a moby this time around because DD was a summer baby, but it was tied towards the end with my son when I was smaller about a 20 with him.
I used a size XXL linen ring sling from sleeping baby productions. The tail on the sling hit my knees. If I was to get another one I would get an XL or maybe even a L because the tail was so long.
I loved my Beco with my DS when I was smaller but with my daughter I felt like the internal harness came up to high when I wore her in front. Since I've started losing weight it's gone away but the Beco probably isn't the best choice for you. I recently tried on a standard strap kinderpack and a plus strap kinderpack. Even though I'm now a 20/22 I definitely felt like the plus straps were more comfortable for me. I could do the standard straps but there was some under arm rub. I also recently tried on a Dream Carrier Neo which is designed mostly for back carries but you can do front carries with. I loved it but since DH and I both use the SSC and he's not a fan of back carries we won't be getting it.
I also own a wrap converted Mei Tai. Mine is made by Didymos and I think it's my favorite baby wearing method currently.
If you have a baby wearing group in your area it's worth it to go and try on some stuff to see what you like.