Attachment Parenting

BLW book

Hi - I mostly lurk over hear every now and then post mostly on my birth month board.  I'm thinking about blw for my LO.  My DS1 is so picky and I'm trying to avoid that this time.  Can you recommend some good books since I don't know much about it besides bits and pieces I read on the bump.


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Re: BLW book

  • I know some people think it's unnecessary, but I am a huge proponent of the BLW "bible" -

    Baby Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett.

    I liked the way the chapters are broken up to make reference easy (I kept a copy on the table for the first couple of months).  I like the first food ideas.  I liked the provided history.  But I LOVED that it really broke down what to expect.  After reading the book I wasn't anxious at all about giving my kid a big piece of steak right off the bat (and I'm a naturally anxious person).

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  • There is also a and a Baby Led Weaning page on Facebook.
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    Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!

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  • I did BLW with my first daughter, without the Gill Rapley book, and it was just fine. However, with my second daughter, I bought the book. It was wonderful to read it, learn more about methods and reasoning and history.  I LOVED having the book as a complement to just feeding DD2.
  • Baby lead weaning blog :) and 1st respondant that book is great I reccomend it as well.
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  • I really liked the book as well.

    You might find your child just naturally gets picky as they get older. We did BLW with DD2, and now that she's 2.5 years, she refuses some foods that she used to love as a baby.

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    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • I started with just the BLW Cookbook on advice from someone else but I was so nervous about it that I read the regular book as well.  It gave me more confidence and explained the gag reflex in a way that helped me relax a bit.  I am very glad I have both books.  Easy read just an hour or two but I read it more than once before I started.
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