
My hips won't stop growing.

I just smacked the corner of the counter hard. Ow.

Re: My hips won't stop growing.

  • I hate it when that happens. That's where I get the gnarliest bruises. I bet your hips are hawt tho.
  • imageHesterlicious:
    I just smacked the corner of the counter hard. Ow.

    But are they honest? Or do your hips lie?

    If your hips lie, then Shakira's are better. Because hers don't.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
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  • I shall now call you Shakira.  Also, here's you new avatar:


  • I will switch pics tonight when I get home!
    My hips make me lie because they hurt so often.
  • I knew a little boy about 7 that loved Shakira to death so I joined him in his fandom. I'd get super excited to see or hear her like he did. When DH was starting to crush on me he showed up at a friends house with a Shakira CD for me. Thanks for the reminder to play it in my car tomorrow guys.
  • Spam spam spam

    I was just carrying a highchair on my hip and banged it into a booth.

    You guys can start a pool for when I split my pants if you want. They are yoga pants from WalMart. Some have fat sucking liner and are tighter but reinforced. The other ones are still comfy.
  • I read this as "my hips won't stop growling". I was all like, are they hungry?

    <---has been taking cold medicine.

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  • imagepearblossom:
    I read this as "my hips won't stop growling". I was all like, are they hungry?lt;has been taking cold medicine.

    That would be my fat ass.
  • Hester, you have made me feel infinitely better about the proportions my hips have already achieved in tgis pg. Damn well better make birth easier....

    BFP#1 "Watermelon" born 3/2011
    BFP#2 "Pumpkin" 7/14/12 ~ EDD 3/23/13 ~ Natural M/C 8/3/12 @ 7 weeks
    BFP#3 "Pineapple"  born 4/2013
    BFP#4 "Grapefruit" EDD 3/29/16
  • imagewatermelon mom:
    Hester, you have made me feel infinitely better about the proportions my hips have already achieved in tgis pg. Damn well better make birth easier....


    I started waddling at 20 weeks. It really damn well better.
  • Ouch!  That sucks.  I know my hips hurt so badly when I was pregnant with DD. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ouchie. My hips didn't grow with DS and haven't grown this time either. I just had gigantic hips to start with. And yes, I smack them on all kinds of things. 
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