
Bathing Questions/Routine

I feel like I need a new routine when bathing my twins.  We bath every other night and although it goes very well and I feel like I have down some sort of routine, I need to change it up because they are both getting heavy.  I currently bath in a baby tub in the sink with a sling.  I bath one baby, pour out the water, clean the sock fuzzies out of the tub, then re-fill and bath the other baby.  When I wash their hair, I do the football hold over the sink which has been hurting my back.  Any suggestions on washing their hair?  Also, DS is getting big for the sling, but when I remove the sling, he is just slipping and sliding in the tub and seems very uncomfortable.  HELP, please :)

Re: Bathing Questions/Routine

  • We just bought the tub sponges (  for them to lay on in the regular tub. I fill the water to just below the top of the sponges and lean over the tub to wash the babies.  They seem to like laying flat in the tub and can kick and splash a little bit too.  Just make sure it the water line stays below their ears!   We still bathe them one at a time while the other sits in his bouncy seat and watches but I have done them both at once too!

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  • How old are they? I bathed mine in a Spa Baby bucket in the bathtub, one at a time, while the other waited in a bouncy chair by the tub, up until recently (they just hit 9 months). Now they share a big tub (Primo Eurobath) and they love splashing around together in it. The whole bath routine takes like 15 minutes, as before. Your routine sounds exhausting!
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  • I am in my own most nights and have a eurobath too. Love it! The other one waits in his crib with a couple toys and it is pretty easy. You can lie them in the bath and they are propped up on the one side. They are just starting to sit up and splash a little.
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  • Im on my own for baths during weeknights right now. I do one at a time. I have a fisher price whale of a tub and it works fine for now. It depends on the night on who I bathe first and what the other does. They usually fall asleep on the way home from daycare, and if one wakes up first, I will bathe them while the other sleeps in the carseat (in the house). 

     Most of the time though, i feed them solids, then give baths. I will out one on the floor with toys and most of the time it's okay...they have been developing seperation anxiety lately, so there's lots of crying for the non bathing baby. But that's for another post :)  

     For the actual bath, I use Burt's bees baby wash and washcloths. Mind have barely any hair, so I just scrub their heads with washcloths. They don't mine water in their eyes at all, so that helps.  

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  • I bought the FP Whale of Tub after getting recs on this board.  It worked great.  I would bathe them on the kitchen counter and later put the whale of a tub in the big tub.  I used their Rock N Plays to put them in after the bath. So bathe one, have towel over RnP, wrap wet baby in towel and get dry baby out of second RnP, bathe her, put towel over RnP and put her in it.  Hope that makes sense.  I think every other night is plenty.
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