Similar to CA's Paid Family Leave program, both NJ and WA are implementing programs to begin 7/1/09 and 10/1/09.
These programs run concurrent with FMLA.
In NJ, you get 6 weeks paid time off concurrent with FMLA for the birth or adoption of a child, or to care for an ill family member (and then 6 weeks of unpaid FMLA leave left). The fine print says that the leave has to occur within 12 months of birth or adoption, can only be taken in one continuous lump period, and you have to give 30 days notice or forego 2 weeks of payments.
The law isn't clear yet as to whether or not adoption is defined as "placement" or "finalization."
In WA, the law has not been totally finalized/clarified. Currently, you would receive 5 weeks of pay to a maximum of $250/week, and then would have 7 weeks of unpaid FMLA time left. No fine print yet, but I will keep you guys updated!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here and I can point you toward resources to answer your questions! (FMLA, State Leaves, and Disability administration is what I do for a living.)
Re: Anyone live in NJ or WA?
Wow, awesome info! I am in NJ and my HR dept told me that since DH and I both work for the same employer, we are only entitled 6 weeks EACH unpaid Family leave, instead of what I thought was 12 weeks unpaid leave, for each of us. We are being penalized, it seems for both having the same career and have to split the family leave between us.....
So am I understanding correctly, that now in NJ, I am entitled to 6 weeks paid leave, as if I was on actual maternity leave? If that's the case, then maybe I dont hate NJ as much as I used to! LOL!
Truthfully, I got crappy IF benefits( 10 K lifetime cap), no employee assistance for adoption at all and since my employeer is one of the largest in Bergen county ( 7,000 + employees) I am hoping someone would throw us a bone, so to speak. I hope this will be in efffect when we getg our placement!
Thanks for sharing! It's great to have someone in the know here!!!
Tiffany -- yes, as "bone" to employers, the FMLA regs do allow employers to require employees who both work for them to split their 12 weeks of time off due to the hardship providing 24 weeks off could put a strain on the business.
But yes, now you will get 6 weeks paid effective 7/1/09. I don't know if the adoption would have to occur after 7/1/09 or just within 12 months prior, but I'll keep you updated with more info as it comes out.
Thanks for posting this. What great news. We live in NJ, and I work in PA, but my husband works in NJ, so at least one of us will get to take advantage of this when the time comes.
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Lordy. Grow some balls and stop lurking. It's like stealing from the internet. Jesuschrist. -- AudreyHorne
I hate love and marriage. I got married so I could destroy these things from the inside. - NoisyPenguin
It's a good thing my circle of trust is as giant as my vagina. That only leaves a couple people out. - Cali