December 2012 Moms

Why baby girl why

Why do you make mommy and daddy guess at what the problem is?  

You're eating your hands, you must be hungry, nope, you won't touch the formula or breast milk.  OK, how about your binki, nope, you just spit in onto the floor.  Ok, let's check your diaper, nope, dry as a bone.  This is good, you yawned, you're tired,  let's try walking, OK, this is working....quiet for 10mins, your eyes are closed, NOPE, you're now screaming for no reason.

Sweet Pea, you're tired and want to sleep, why is it so difficult for you to close you're eyes and sleep?

Re: Why baby girl why

  • car ride? gas medicine? burp? fart? good luck!
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  • I'm sorry you guys are going through this. =(  We had a night like that a few days ago. She would scream even on the boob.  I finally woke up DH and gave her to him because I could tell I was starting to feel aggravated, and he managed to get her to sleep on his chest.  Even then, she refused to get comfortable anywhere else.  I'm praying this is the 6-8 week fussy phase and will end very soon.
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  • Have you tried the 5 S's from the Happiest Baby on the Block? 
    If you don't like what they're saying about you, change the conversation.
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    BFP #3 4.20.12 EDD 1.1.13 Beta #1 12DPO 99 Beta #2 14DPO 223
    6w1d U/S - one cute little blob! 8w1d U/S HB 174bpm!
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  • Ahh, the awesomeness of a car ride.  :-) 
  • I feel your pain although unfortunately it meant my little guy was really sick with a virus & we spent 4 days in the hospital (check her temp!). On the flip-side, LO does seem to have a "reset" period of about 45 min every night around 10:30 where nothing we do works & we've learned to just ride it out. When I start to get really frustrated and there's no point in waking DH up because he won't have any luck either, I'll put LO in his crib & shut the door for 10 min & just take a break. If he screams the whole time, oh well, won't hurt him. He usually calms down quicker when I'm calm.
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  • I read that this "nothing wrong" crying is a normal developmental stage. Yay.....!?
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  • imageFairyDuster003:
    I read that this "nothing wrong" crying is a normal developmental stage. Yay.....!?


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