March 2013 Moms


During my first pg I only remember having Braxton Hicks at the very end of my pg. This time they started at 27 weeks or maybe earlier and are more uncomfortable. I feel crampy all day some days. Today I didn't do anything strenuous really...just lofting my toddler and running errands. Is anyone else experiencing this? I know it's more common for STMs or Moms with more than one child. I've been lucky to feel pretty good this pg but now it's uncomfortable to walk.



Re: Cramping

  • I started getting BH at 15 weeks this time and they have picked up considerably in the past two weeks, along with some cramping on and off like you described. I've had no cervical changes so must be a STM thing.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I started getting BH around 17 weeks this time. Pretty infrequent at first but now I get them several time a day. I swear about two days ago I also started getting a mild cramping feeling. Still nothing compared to a contraction, but more intense.

    I like to blame the toddler, haha!


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  • I've had them non stop for 4 days straight! today was the first day of relief! I've never had them with my first two kids. and the back pain with it is horrible
    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • I was getting cramps for a couple days , I waited until my dr appt and I brought it up and one of the first things she asked was how much water are you drinking. She told me to push the fluids and if they don't go away to come back. I started drinking more water and Gatorade  and they were gone. So maybe start drinking more and see if that helps!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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