Baby Names

Not sure I love these...

but they are still on the list (DH picked some of them), so I'm open to thoughts :) If These might not be your cup of tea, but feel free to rate them favorite to least favorite :) Middle name will be more feminine if the first name is not as girly, fyi.






Josefina (but I don't know if I like the nn Josie, plus our last name is a lot of syllables, too)


eta- feel free to give feedback on why you like/dislike a name...may be something I don't know, like it's the name of a famous porn star or is the name of genitalia in another language, or if you don't like the sound of it, etc ;)

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Re: Not sure I love these...

  • I love Athena and Freya. Arden seems a little masculine, more edgy than the rest of the names on your list, but I like it too.

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  • Love Serena.  Athena, Freya and Josefina are nms but they are not bad.  I'm not sure how I feel about Waverly, I didn't like it at first but it's growing on me, I think it's pretty cute.

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  • imageDaisyZH:
    Love Serena.  Athena, Freya and Josefina are nms but they are not bad.  I'm not sure how I feel about Waverly, I didn't like it at first but it's growing on me, I think it's pretty cute.

    I first heard it in The Joy Luck Club, and forgot about it till I saw it mentioned a few months ago. I can't tell if I love it or don't love it lol. It sounds whimsical, but it may be too "out there" for us.

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  • Athena - my favorite




    Josefina and Freya tied for last.


    Josefina looks like Jose and has too many syllables if your last name is also long.

    Freya looks unfeminine and reminds me of frayed rope. I imagine Freya as a pudgy girl with a skin problem.  






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  • Arden for sure!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

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  • Arden is by far my favorite. 

    Serena & Freya are fine, too, just NMS and I can't quite pinpoint why. Waverly I don't like at all; Athena I can't picture on a real person, but maybe I just don't have the guts to use something like that (although DH & I have been talking about Thor as a MN - he's not coming around, lol). Josefina I want to pronounce with an H like Jose, but if you're talking about Josie I'm assuming you're not pronouncing it that way, and if it would be a mouthful with your last name anyway, I'd cross it off the list.  

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  • Love Arden!
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  • Waverly - dislike, sounds like a brand or last name

    Arden - love, but I'm biased bc it's DDs name

    Athena - NMS but do t hate it

    Serena - pretty

    Freya - dislike, reminds me of Freda 

    Josefina - ok, a little old lady name for me

  • I like Serena the best.
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  • Waverly







  • what about Josephine? I love Arden, not a fan of any of the others
    Mama to 3 Beautiful babes ages 1, 3 and 5. ttc #4. Finley Belle, Ezra Bennett and Josephine Pearl.
  • Waverly - NMS

    Arden- ok

    Athena- ok

    Serena- like

    Freya- like

    Josefina- NMS

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  • Waverly- I love this one- but it does remind me of the home furnishing company

    Arden- very pretty and simple

    Athena- not a huge fan of this one

    Serena- Nope

    Freya- Dont care for this too much either

    Josefina- LOVE this one- and I also like Josie.  It is gentle and pretty.

  • Waverly - dislike

    Arden - very pretty

    Athena - not great

    Serena - pretty

    Freya - pretty

    Josefina (but I don't know if I like the nn Josie, plus our last name is a lot of syllables, too) - I prefer Josephine

  • imageDaisyZH:
    Love Serena.  Athena, Freya and Josefina are nms but they are not bad.  I'm not sure how I feel about Waverly, I didn't like it at first but it's growing on me, I think it's pretty cute.

    All of this.

  • My top choice is Athena.

    Waverly makes me think of the Wizards of Waverly shown on Disney.
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  • I like Serena, Freya and Josefina.  The others are NMS.
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  • I like Serena the best.  I grew up on a road named Arden, so it's a street name to me.  Waverly is also a street name.  The rest are NMS.
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  • Arden is my fave!
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  • I like Waverly and Serena. I don't completely dislike the others.
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  • I love Josefina and Freya. Next are Athena and Serena, followed by Arden, which I still like. I'm not into Waverly-- if I imagine a Waverly I see a privileged girl in a gated community, and she's not very nice. I like the other names because I can imagine them being unique kids and not a "type". Also, Freya and Athena are really powerful, and I like a girl to have a powerful name.

    Good luck choosing! 

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  • I like Arden. How about Sabrina?
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  • imagekmpls:
    I like Arden. How about Sabrina?

    That was on the list originally, actually! I just don't love the breen sound in the name. I'm weird, I know.

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  • Waverly- Really dislike, doesn't sound like a girl's name at all. Least favorite on the list.

    Arden- NMS but I do know a couple that named their baby girl Arden fairly recently so it isn't that out there for me. Would be an ok name.

    Athena- Absolutely love; one of my GPs. Just not sure I could picture a real person with the name.

    Serena- Pretty, different, nice. Makes me think of serene, calming.

    Freya- lingerie company (do a google search- it is the first result); will always make me think of my bra

    Josefina- Good name. I prefer Josephine (don't ask me why, especially since I'm Italian!). Probably my favorite on the list though. I think you can avoid the nn by just calling her by her full name. I have a lot of little cousins with names that lend themselves easily to a nn (e.g. Dominic, Elizabeth, Gabrielle, Nicholas, Victoria) and none of them have ever been called by a nn, they all go by their full first name. Especially if you don't HATE the nn, so it won't drive you crazy if her friends call her Josie in high school or something, I wouldn't worry about that at all. =)

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  • Arden- favorite

    Waverly- takes a second, but cuter the more I think

    Serena/Josefina- eh

    Athena, Freya- dislike 

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  • I love Athena. I also like Freya and Josefina is nice too. The other names just don't seem as classy to me...I don't know why.
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  • Waverly- dislike, sounds like a place or a wizard

    Arden- fave, gp for me

    Athena- I think you have to be Latina or Greek to pull this off, but if you are, it could rock

    Serena- meh, super hero secret identity, nymph, fae... I prefer Sabrina

    Freya- dislike, just... not pretty.  I picture a Viking like Olga

    Josefina- prefer Josephine... my niece is Josefa, which is less syllables if that's what you're looking for

  • I like Athena, Serena, and Freya. Ancient names seem to be having a resurgence. You've got to love goddess names.


  • Waverly: I don't like it. It's ok for a kid, but too cutesy for an adult IMO

    Arden: great name, but I've only known male Arden's. It will always be a guy name for me.

    Athena: not bad

    Serena: pretty. I have a cousin with this name and she's a sweetie, so that may influence my thoughts on it.

    Freya: like it

    Josefina: I really dislike this one 

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