Parenting stuff question

As experienced parents, what's the one thing you bought or received as s gift when expecting your LO that was totally unnecessary and a waste of money? 
Started TTC 2/2009
Started fertility treatments 11/2010
Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
6 failed medicated IUI's
Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
Decided to adopt - 6/2012
SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
Decided to be "One and Done"

....OR NOT.
Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
Here we go again...
Due 8/26/19!

Re: stuff question

  • Everything already listed. And changing table.
  • I second the baby powder and recovering blankets.  

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  • I never used my Bobby, just didn't work for me. We also have a shelf full of unused bibs and receiving blankets because we always used the same few on rotation.
  • imagebuffaluffagus:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.

    We still use our changing table. Although I wish we had got converted-dresser route so we would have a use for it once the kid is potty trained. 

    i turned my changing table upside down. It makes a perfect bookshelf/toy storage. 

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  • imageManateearmz:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.

    We still use our changing table. Although I wish we had got converted-dresser route so we would have a use for it once the kid is potty trained. 

    i turned my changing table upside down. It makes a perfect bookshelf/toy storage. 

    We never had a table, no room, and short life item for the price for a decent one. Had the dresser option worked for us, that's what I'd have done.

    Bookshelf is good repurposing. I guess I just never like the looks of changing tables.

    I did do receiving blankets, oversized for swaddling or tummy time. You either love those or never use them. 

  • imageManateearmz:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.

    We still use our changing table. Although I wish we had got converted-dresser route so we would have a use for it once the kid is potty trained. 

    i turned my changing table upside down. It makes a perfect bookshelf/toy storage. 

    We never had a table, no room, and short life item for the price for a decent one. Had the dresser option worked for us, that's what I'd have done.

    Bookshelf is good repurposing. I guess I just never like the looks of changing tables.

    I did do receiving blankets, oversized for swaddling or tummy time. You either love those or never use them. 

  • I still use my changing table because it's also a dresser too. The wipe warmer has held the wipes on top of the changing table forever. So I actually use it every day. I don't use the boppy for BFing but just as a prop up. I do agree with the receiving blankets though cause I use a swaddler with Velcro for extra hold. I never use lotions either. But I know some people like to.

  • Thanks! Trying to decide what's worth the money and what's not. I agree about the bumbo. My niece's thighs were too chubby to ever even fit in it. 
    Started TTC 2/2009
    Started fertility treatments 11/2010
    Ovarian dysfunction, LPD, male factor
    6 failed medicated IUI's
    Pregnant 5/2011 - Miscarriage at 6 weeks due to triploidy
    Decided to adopt - 6/2012
    SURPRISE! Pregnant without intervention - 7/2012 
    Sweet Baby James Born 3/2013
    Decided to be "One and Done"

    ....OR NOT.
    Pregnant 12/2018 despite birth control pills
    Here we go again...
    Due 8/26/19!
  • imageGhostMonkey:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.
    We put our changing pad on his dresser at first, now it resides on the washer. 

    We used our bottle warmer some, especially when I was pumping as he preferred warm bottles, but nothing that couldn't have been done with a cup of warm water or a small crock pot left on warm with water in it. And the crock pot has other uses when you are done with that.

    Receiving blankets, baby oil, baby powder, the 5 million bottles of Johnson's wash, wipe warmer, glider (we've used it maybe 5 times in 2 years), baby monitor (small house), anything baby proofing (this may bite me in the ass later though), bibs, formula dispensers. I think that's it.


    Forgot about those toiletries. I've repurposed the baby oil, but wtf do you use the baby powder for? And the Johnson's shampoos and creams? I got scads from well meaning family each time (apparently they thought I wouldn't stock up on this stuff), but they missed when I said that they all reacted to it. Like flaming red skin. Thanks for listening mom.

    I just hate tossing it in the garbage, but its taking up space. 

  • I think a lot of this is personal preference and what suits your baby.  We used a bottle warmer a ton.  I still have her receiving blankets in her dresser and we use them as a light blanket in the warmer months almost two years later. I used a formula dispenser quite a bit in my diaper bag because you aren't going to carry around an entire jar with you.  

    What we didn't use much of?  Bumbo - she outgrew it very fast.  Maybe only used it for two months total.  Swing - she just didn't like it at all. SOO many people told us we couldn't live without Swaddle Me and Sleepsacks.  We used them for two weeks, and never swaddled her again.

     However, you can find 100 more people on TB that couldn't live without either one of those things, so please take this list with a grain of salt. 

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  • imagegimmietimmies:
    Everything already listed. And changing table.

    At almost 2, we still use the changing table for every diaper change and for getting her dressed!

    However, we got absolutely no use out of a swing or bouncy chair. She hated them both with a fiery passion.

    Regular swaddle/receiving blankets were a bit of a waste, too. We ended up using Swaddleme and Halo sleep sack swaddle blankets instead.

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

  • imagegimmietimmies:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.
    We put our changing pad on his dresser at first, now it resides on the washer. 

    We used our bottle warmer some, especially when I was pumping as he preferred warm bottles, but nothing that couldn't have been done with a cup of warm water or a small crock pot left on warm with water in it. And the crock pot has other uses when you are done with that.

    Receiving blankets, baby oil, baby powder, the 5 million bottles of Johnson's wash, wipe warmer, glider (we've used it maybe 5 times in 2 years), baby monitor (small house), anything baby proofing (this may bite me in the ass later though), bibs, formula dispensers. I think that's it.


    Forgot about those toiletries. I've repurposed the baby oil, but wtf do you use the baby powder for? And the Johnson's shampoos and creams? I got scads from well meaning family each time (apparently they thought I wouldn't stock up on this stuff), but they missed when I said that they all reacted to it. Like flaming red skin. Thanks for listening mom.

    I just hate tossing it in the garbage, but its taking up space. 


    Donate to a women's shelter - they always need that stuff.

    I actually DID use baby powder (non-talc), when DS used to get a rash on either side of his business.  I put it on to help with the moisture.  I never figured out baby oil.  Never had a wipes warmer.  Never used a bottle warmer with DS1, but DS2 got spoiled to warm bottles in the NICU, so we did use one with him.

    The teeny receiving blankets are useless.  You need big ones to swaddle.  I also never used the pretty burp cloths - I had a puker so we relied on gerber cloth diapers.  The pretty ones did not absorb well.

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    Carson Henry, born 39w, 2d, via emergency c/s due to no fetal movement and fetal distress.  Seizures, IVH grade 2, brain injury, kidney and liver damage.  Complete blood clot in the artery in his right arm.  27 days in the NICU.  Now discharged from all specialists, excepts his kidney doctor, who will monitor him indefinitely.  My tough little cookie.

  • We got too many bottles of baby oil and lotions (my DD's skin just isn't dry, she doesn't need it), the bumbo seat with tray (she hated the seat and the tray is still unopened from 2 years ago), and also all of the blankets!! She is a winter baby, but we really didn't need that many.
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  • Those white onsies. We got a ton in every size imaginable and I've never put him in one because he has so many other cute nonboring clothes. We got a tummy time mat that we never use because we use his play gym for tummy time. We got a ton of recieving blankets but only use a few. We got a snowsuit we will never put him in and lots of warm clothes he wont fit in until July.
  • To echo others, what works for one mom doesn't work for another!

    With that said, we never had a wipe warmer and I never felt I was missing out.

    Never used J&J oil either. I kept one travel thing of it and use it on my cuticles during home manicures.

    I still use non talc baby powder on DS. We CD and I was a late bloomer in discovering CD safe cloth diaper rash cream. We did get some old fashioned talc J&J powder and I kept it for myself and sprinkle it into the shoes (ballet flats and some heels) that I wear with bare feet.

    The tummy time mat was a waste, honestly. Just use a blanket with some toys or something.

    Also, the 10s of thousands of clothes DS received. We used every single pajama set or anything that resembled pajamas. All the sweater sets, dry clean only stuff, cashmere stuff, and heavy articles of clothing all went unused.

    We also returned our JJ Cole Bundle Me that we received because we live in Charleston, SC and it's not cold enough for such a thing- but I'm sure that would come in handy for the northern mamas!  

  • imagebuffaluffagus:
    Wipe warmer, bottle warmer, a gazillion things of baby powder.

    Yep, this.
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  • I loved my wipe warmer, it was great for cold winter and a newborn. He didn't scream from the cold wipes. I got tons of receiving blankets. Never used one. Also toooo many wash cloths. Baby can use ours.
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  • never wanted a wipe or bottle warmer and wouldn't have used them.

    bumbo for sure, my LO never liked it, but as others have said, what one LO can't stand another one loves.

    the swing and bouncy seat were fantastic, although we only got about 4-5 months out of the swing (good thing i'm having another one). although, the bouncy seat we registered for LO hated, and it was a hand me down from friends that worked out really well. i'd disagree with a pp on the tummy time mats, LO LOVED his, and i'm not creative enough to replicate it with hanging toys and a blanket. we ended up swaddling for about six months, so even though nobody got us the halo sleepsacks, they were fantastic for us.

    good luck! 

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  • Receiving blankets, baby monitor small house, wipe warmer, lotions, bouncer seat

    Also I got a ton of onesies I never used. I liked the white ones to put underneath their sleepers but I always felt like the baby was cold in a short sleeve onesie with/without pants. I preferred long sleeves and sleepers. I guess it depends on the season though and where you live.
  • imageMrs.Rose:

    Everything already listed. And changing table.
    We put our changing pad on his dresser at first, now it resides on the washer. 

    We used our bottle warmer some, especially when I was pumping as he preferred warm bottles, but nothing that couldn't have been done with a cup of warm water or a small crock pot left on warm with water in it. And the crock pot has other uses when you are done with that.

    Receiving blankets, baby oil, baby powder, the 5 million bottles of Johnson's wash, wipe warmer, glider (we've used it maybe 5 times in 2 years), baby monitor (small house), anything baby proofing (this may bite me in the ass later though), bibs, formula dispensers. I think that's it.


    Forgot about those toiletries. I've repurposed the baby oil, but wtf do you use the baby powder for? And the Johnson's shampoos and creams? I got scads from well meaning family each time (apparently they thought I wouldn't stock up on this stuff), but they missed when I said that they all reacted to it. Like flaming red skin. Thanks for listening mom.

    I just hate tossing it in the garbage, but its taking up space. 


    Donate to a women's shelter - they always need that stuff.

    I actually DID use baby powder (non-talc), when DS used to get a rash on either side of his business.  I put it on to help with the moisture.  I never figured out baby oil.  Never had a wipes warmer.  Never used a bottle warmer with DS1, but DS2 got spoiled to warm bottles in the NICU, so we did use one with him.

    The teeny receiving blankets are useless.  You need big ones to swaddle.  I also never used the pretty burp cloths - I had a puker so we relied on gerber cloth diapers.  The pretty ones did not absorb well.

    I did ask if the women's shelter could take that and a lot of other stuff (mil volunteers, so it would have been easy), but they can't take it either. Baby powder we can't use because of my asthma and ds, it makes me wheeze. And I so get small receiving blankets. I made these, they're double the ones you get in the store, and cuter patterns.

    Now, baby oil isn't for babies, kwim! Wink

  • I had a crazy puker baby and we would fold the receiving blankets up into a rectangle that fit on our shoulders they were great for the projectile vomit and they covered way more area front to back.  Never used them as actual blankets though and I used my prefolds as diapers since we CD.  The seats and the swings, borrow one because as PP's have said it will either be your saving grace or you baby will act like it's a torture device.
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  • We never used a changing table. I have a suggestion for repurposing one though.

    My best friend had one at her home left over from her children. We tured it into a dress-up  station for her granddaughter. I wish I had photos since it turned out so cute.

    We painted it a pearly purple. We added a safety mirror on one of the sides. The opposite side had short pegs for hats and purses. Two of the shelves were removed and a bar for hanging play clothes was added. we put some pink bins on the bottom shelf for shoes and accessories. 
  • Giant tub of Boudreaux Butt Paste - DD has never had diaper rash, so it's gone unopened and unused for a full year.

    Pacifiers - She wouldn't take them.

    Baby swing - She was never a huge fan.

    Body pillow - Given to me by a friend who INSISTED it was the most necessary thing in the world for the last month of pregnancy. I had no use for it whatsoever.

    Baby food steamer/blender thing - We are far, far too lazy, and DD doesn't like pureed anything anyway.  


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  • Give it away to other people with kids or call the local women's shelter.


    Everything already listed. And changing table.
    We put our changing pad on his dresser at first, now it resides on the washer. 

    We used our bottle warmer some, especially when I was pumping as he preferred warm bottles, but nothing that couldn't have been done with a cup of warm water or a small crock pot left on warm with water in it. And the crock pot has other uses when you are done with that.

    Receiving blankets, baby oil, baby powder, the 5 million bottles of Johnson's wash, wipe warmer, glider (we've used it maybe 5 times in 2 years), baby monitor (small house), anything baby proofing (this may bite me in the ass later though), bibs, formula dispensers. I think that's it.


    Forgot about those toiletries. I've repurposed the baby oil, but wtf do you use the baby powder for? And the Johnson's shampoos and creams? I got scads from well meaning family each time (apparently they thought I wouldn't stock up on this stuff), but they missed when I said that they all reacted to it. Like flaming red skin. Thanks for listening mom.

    I just hate tossing it in the garbage, but its taking up space. 


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  • I'm surprised so many found the Bumbo useless. I've used it a ton for both my boys. Sure, it had a short window of use maybe 2 months but it was used multiple times a day during that time. DS2 loves being able to "sit up" and look around and watch what is going on. It's also great for allowing DS1 and DS2 to interact. They can't do much when DS2 is lying on the floor, but when he's in the Bumbo DS1 babbles to him, shows him toys, and "reads" books to him. I guess that benefit wouldn't be so applicable to a first baby, but I wouldn't write off the Bumbo as useless.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMrs.Rose:



    I just hate tossing it in the garbage, but its taking up space. 


    Donate to a women's shelter - they always need that stuff.

    Exactly, There's always somebody in need of the stuff you don't. I can't bring myslef to toss stuff that could work for somebody else.

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  • A bouncy seat. DS hated it.
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  • I find it so strange everyone is against the bumbo. I loved ours and used it til DD was probably 5 mos old.  It was nice for when she was 3 mos old and I was cooking or cleaning. I would bring her in the room with me, give her a toy and sat her in it to play.

    We use baby powder, medicated with cornstarch. If you can't find a place to donate the baby wash, and oil. Why not use it for youself? I used DD's baby lotion, and I loved it, lol.

  • All the useless stuff we received we returned for store credit. Just make sure you add it to your registry if it's from BRU just to avoid any hassle. 

    Anyway, the stuff we returned were the

    Baby Bullet (we have a regular food processor)

    whirlpool baby bathtub just because it was a little over the top. 

    several towels because we got about 20


    Sleep gowns

    We have a million sleep gowns that we don't use and I don't know that we will. We like the zip up sleepers because they give easy access to the diaper and they're easier to put on, for us anyway. There are a lot of parents who swear by them, so we're probably in the minority. And ditto white onesies. We have a million newborn ones, half of which won't get used. We use the long sleeved ones under her swaddle at night, though, so they have come in handy. 

    We actually use all of the receiving blankets as mainly burp clothes, but sometimes swaddles. I stick a corner into my bra when I'm nursing to catch any milk that drips, cover the Boppy, and catch any spit up. Plus when I'm done, i canjust throw it over my shoulder to dry off catch anything that leaks out if DD fell asleep so i dont have to wrestle my bra and tank back together and risk disturbing her. I use the thinner towels for that, too.

    As for the toiletries, you can always try returning them for credit if you know where they came from, or donate them. The only ones we're using are the Aveeno oatmeal lotion (for us, not DD, because we're washing our hands so much) and the Johnson's all over wash. Oil, lotion, and powders are all kind of unnecessary right now. 

  • I got a sling that was way too big and didn't work for us. The only thing I didn't appreciate were the millions of stuffed animals (mostly bunnies as her shower was at Easter) and clothes that were not my style (frilly dresses).


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

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  • Baby Powder: works great in shoes when you don't wear socks.

    Try taking the lotions back to WalMart (they take back anything), regift or donate them.  

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