Cloth Diapering

RaR, Kissaluvs and NB Flips to trade...

I have 2 RaR OS w/aplix and the inserts they came with-1 light blue, 1 gray.  The light blue has a tiny bit of staining that will probably come out with sunning.  I have 2 Kissaluvs fitteds OS-1 is a yellow background with owls and the other is a brown background with jungle animals.  I have 3 Flip NBs and the inserts they came with-teal, white and light blue.  They're practically brand new, I think I used the light blue one once.

 Would anyone be interested in trading for these?  I would prefer OS or AIO diapers with snaps.  If you're interested, let me know what you would be willing to trade :)

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