I need opinions....I'm getting ready to paint a room and had an idea to wallpaper an "accent wall" where I will hang a mirror over a little table thingy.
Is wallpaper outdated? Should I just paint the wall a different color? Every time I look at wallpaper samples I think of my grandma's house, but in my head I seem to think I've seen this done on HGTV or something.
Re: Interior design folks...
I think it depends on the wall paper. If it were me I wouldnt do it just because its a hassle.
I am not good at this at all.
I would have never thought to do something like that. Sounds easier!
Wallpaper is definitely "back" and there are some awesome modern designs out there. It is a PITA though.
What about a patterned paint roller?
Here is a link with pictures: