I am 38 weeks pregnant right now and still have no clue what I should name my baby boy. I like strong, somewhat traditional and masculine sounding names. I like the name "Blake" but my last name starts with the letter "S". Would it be horrible to have his initials be "BS"?
Re: Initials?
That wouldn't bother me in the least.
Honestly, I don't think initials matter at all. Besides, if he has a middle name, there would be another initla in there.
Blake's a good name:)
I was BS up until the day I got married. I don't have a middle name. I hated it, was constantly reminded of it. Could not wait to be married to a G.
I don't think it's a big deal. When you really have to worry about teasing is grade school, and if a grade school child knows enough to tease a child about those particular initials, then that's the problem of the child who's doing the teasing (and the parents).
It could be more of an issue in high school, but he would be older and able to handle it on his own.
Blake is a great name (it was almost our youngest son's name and I briefly considered it for this pregnancy, which is a girl, but I loved it more for a boy). If that's your favorite, then go with it!
My parents almost gave me the initials HAG, so it could always be worse lol!