May 2011 Moms

Flu Symptoms???

Have any of your LO's had the flu??? What kinda symptoms have they had? How were they acting? we took Brandon for testing today to see if he has the flu or if its something else? hes had an on n off fever for like 2+ days n a lil bit of a runny nose but when his fevers down hes at 100 %-playing, running around, eating, drinking....everything!!! im hoping its not the flu but i guess we should know soon!!! T's n P's would be greatly appreciated!!! Thx :) 

BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Flu Symptoms???

  • Oh no! I hope it's not the flu! DS hasn't had it but he had similar Sx to what you described high fevers for three days and turned out to be something viral and went away on it own. I guess the concerning part with the flu is that it's Sx can look like a bad cold so testing is really important. I hope your LO gets better soon, keep us posted!
  • Well....Thank God...My Lil Man does NOT have the flu-then my older son comes home last night from bein at his dads and this morning wakes up sick- took him to the dr and they both just have some viral thing...SOO glad not the flu!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
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