Since my profile is messed up and I haven't made a new one for some reason (because I can't think of an appropriate name is really what it is) I always look at your siggy as a reminder of how long it's been.
We have the same angelversary date and we were almost the same amount of weeks in gestation, I was 41 wks. 3 days. Lillian was due 9-17, but came 10 days over on 9-27 and passed on 9-28 at 8:35. I always think she has a friend the same Heaven age as her up there.
I have just been wanting to tell you that for some time now.
Re: Starburst0928
There have been quite a few celebrities that have had either miscarriages or stillbirth - Wendy Williams, Keanu Reeves, Oprah, Courtney Cox, etc. As we all know, the loss of a child is so tragic that it is not suprising that celebrities don't advertise it. I know that when we lost our first baby through miscarriage and then Sophia through stillbirth I didn't want to talk or be around people and I can imagine celebrities being very much the same. They may be famous but they are still human and bad stuff happens to them too.
ETA: I definitely was in the other thread but for some reason my response got posted here - stupid bump!!!
I had no idea! That never clicked with me! Thanks for pointing that out!
Bradley died sometime during the night on the 27th, so we share lots of dates in common. Like you probably do, I hate Fridays. Today sucked.
I wonder is all our babies hang out because we chat together here. I like to think they have baby friends!