Cloth Diapering

Cheer up, buttercup!

Someone amongst us is feeling down today (cough...cough...coughITK...cough) so maybe we should share our best rainbow-colored, glitter-shiney, fun stories/links/jokes today. (Heck, it's cheaper and healthier than smuggling liquor to her in the mail.)



Re: Cheer up, buttercup!

  • My silly story: I was getting ready in a hurry for a Christmas party. I had on a long sleeve shirt, a sleeveless blouse, and a sweater. When I went to put on deodorant, I completely forgot about the order of the layers and wound up deodorizing the long sleeve shirt. Tongue Tied


  • And here is the funniest video clip I think I have ever seen:  It's an oldie, but a goodie.



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  • The other day when I was dropping off our LO at daycare I signed her in and started to walk out the door.  Looked down and realized I had forgotten to put my shoes back on.

    That was when I knew I needed more coffee...

  • So there was a worn in our drive way. Buddy found it on tuesday and won't touch it cause its "grossy" but talks about this worm non stop after he found it.  Wednesday we went to the store and when we came back I must have driven over the worm because Buddy got out of the car and ran to look for his worm and he goes 

    "MAMA YOU SQUISSSSSSHED MY WORM. Its DEAD mama, you kiiiiiillled my wooooooorm"


    yeah like 2 1/2 days later he still will tell anyone that listens that I killed his worm with my car.  

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  • imagemargaretkaye1:
    Not me today! Most days probably lol, but not today.... I sa w pic of a dipe that had a unicorn farting a rainbow. I thought it was amazing. That should brighten anyone's day.

    Oh my gosh! I am SUCH a moron!!! This is so me...trying to help and just flubbing it up. I fixed it. Sorry! 



  • imagemargaretkaye1:
    The other day when I was dropping off our LO at daycare I signed her in and started to walk out the door.nbsp; Looked down and realized I had forgotten to put my shoes back on. That was when I knew I needed more coffee...
    I love this. Did the ground not feel strangely cold?

    Yup that's how I noticed.

  • For fans of the zombie genre...


  • Also, DH just texted me and said that he was so tired this morning, he put his underwear on backwards.  It was a rough night, lol.
  • Lol, I love you guys. For the rest of us who may be feeling down, here's my own contributions:


    And for those of you who bedshare, my H shared this one with me:


    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • LOL. I love the pic of the baby laying on top of Dad's face.  That was so DS1. My co-workers are peeking over my cube wondering why I'm laughing.  You should have seen the one guy's face when he seen I was looking at pictures of bed-sharing!  Can't wait to hear the new rumors around the office about me!
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  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    Lol, I love you guys. For the rest of us who may be feeling down, here's my own contributions:


    And for those of you who bedshare, my H shared this one with me:


    The bedsharing pic made me laugh.  Hi-larious!

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