Hi Ladies,
So, I got some good and bad news today at my a/s. The good news is that the boys are doing fine, growing like they should and both are where they are supposed to be at 9 and 11oz. We got to see the majority of their bodies, except Langston was moving around so much, the tech had issues getting all of the measurements.
However, it turns out my cervix has started to open up. Two weeks ago, it was around 3+cm. Now, its b/w 2-6 and 2.4 depending on if they put any pressure on it. The borderline for intervention is 2.5. My doctor hasn't put me on bedrest or anything yet, but will check again in 2wks (I have an OB appt. next week, however, and they will check the same thing).
The MFM mentioned that the cervical stitching surgery (I can't remember the name for it right now) is risky with multiples and that there is a high mortality rate, esp. the further along you are. Since, I'm not at viability yet, they wouldnt do anything to stop me from going into labor or giving them any growth hormones. My plan is to go to work and then home and do nothing, "take it easy" as she said, until I get to 24 wks and I feel better.
I guess my question is whether or not any of you had to deal with this. What happened? Did you get the surgery or try some other method to strengthen the cervix? I am scared and nervous and sad and I am praying that everything turns out alright.
ETA: Sorry, I might have used the wrong terminology. My cervix has shortened from 3+cm to 2.6-2.4cm. It has not dialated.
Re: Shortened/Opening Cervix Intervention Q?
You need an emergency cerclage NOW and bed rest the remainder of your pregnancy! I would absolutely get a second opinion; the line of thinking from your OB is unacceptable.
I had the same issue in my first twin pg, did not get a cerclage and it did not end awell, I lost them at 17w4 and 18w2. I ended up getting a permanent cerclage during my next pregnancy.
HUGS and please get a second opinion to give your boys a fighting change. Just 5 more weeks and you could give them a HUGE chance!
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
Do you remember how short it was?
I am going to the OB Wed. and they will check my cervix then as well.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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