Hi everyone - I have a daughter who is nearly 17 months old and we are still breastfeeding and doing great. It is my intent that we continue this relationship until she weans herself, and I wondered what the average age was for that to happen. I know there is likely a huge range of variability but wondered if any of you could help enlighten me with your personal knowledge and experience. Thanks in advance!
I am so in love with my precious little miracle!
Re: Average age babies/toddlers naturally wean?
2-4 years old. Depends on the kid - some will happily go beyond 4 if mom allows it.
I'd say it's extremely rare for a child under 2 to truly self-wean.
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My son was just recently weaned...and he is a little over 2.5. I can't say that I didn't help the process a long a little. I no longer nursed on demand because it wasn't always possible or necessary as he got older. Sometimes I would offer him a drink and other times he just wanted my undivided attention so I would stop what I was doing and cuddle or play with him
Anyway- He was down to only nursing before bed and right after Christmas he fell asleep one night before asking to nurse. I went with it and from that night on (Dec. 30th to be exact) we have had a new routine...an extra story and cuddling while looking at his Dreamlite and singing songs. He has asked for milk a couple of times since, but hasn't really been upset about me telling him that it is all gone. He did look at me strange a couple of times and say, "Your boobs are right there mommy" lol
Anyway- enjoy your nursing relationship and don't let anyone pressure you to wean early or not to wean if you feel like you both are ready!
Don't count on pregnancy letting you avoid the weaning issue - we're still going strong on nursing and I'm 10 weeks pregnant. DS doesn't even always seem to care if there is milk. If you might be interested in nursing while pregnant or tandem nursing, read "Adventures in Tandem Nursing". It's really interesting.
I had no problem getting pregnant. My period returned as soon as I quit the mini pill when DS was 14 months and I went right back to being fertile.
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My ds does the same thing- he will say he wants to hug them sometimes when he's going to sleep- they were his lovey for a long time
I got my period back when DS was around 10 months. We are still nursing morning and bedtime and I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant. He doesn't seem interested in stopping anytime soon...
I would say 2-4. DS lost interest at 17 months. I kept trying for about a month but he would just have nothing to do with it. I dried up and it was over. I was so upset!
But our relationship is still very, very tight. You can still have the bond, even without the nursing. I still rock him at night and at nap time and we have lots and lots of cuddling time
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
Careful there hon...jajaja...I have a few friends who got preggers quite easily while they were breastfeeding!! You can ovulate even if you are not getting a period!! :-)
Sorry! I meant to add that I nursed my daughter until she was 29 months
I could tell that she was staring to self-wean because she really only asked to nurse at bedtime.
DD just turned 4 on the 12th and still nurses before bed (usually). DS is 4 months old. I nursed right through pregnancy (never lost my milk). My period came back at 12m with DD when I dropped to 1 pumping session per day (I worked FT in the office).
I have read that many mammals wean when they reach 4x their birth weight. DD was 3.770 kg. She is currently about 15 kg.
^^She hasn't reached 4x her birth weight yet (born 8.5lbs, now 30lbs) so it will be interesting to see if that is true with her.
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