When I was debating cloth diaper versus disposable diapers, someone told me about elimination communication. I bought the book Diaper Free Baby, read it, and became convinced it was the right solution for us. When we came home from the hospital, instead of working at it, I gave myself a few days to recover, and used the disposable diapers I had received as a gift. I did try it a few times, but DD would cry whenever I tried to put her on the potty or on the toilet. I keep telling myself I'm going to give it another go, but I don't really think it's going to happen, but it soothes the environmentally conscious part of my personality to think I'm only going to be using disposable diapers for another short while...
This is probably more of a UO, but I'm not a huge fan of pacifiers. We tried to give Graham one a few times and he wouldn't take it and I'm secretly glad. Now that's one less thing we have to worry about breaking him from when he gets older.
Also, Graham is really difficult to get to sleep, so I've made DH do his bedtime routine every night this week because I just don't feel like dealing with the crying. My justification is that I need to go downstairs and exercise. I'll get on the elliptical for maybe thirty minutes, then I'll stay down there and watch tv or something until I think the baby is asleep.
Last week the hubby and I went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and then I got a medium ice cream at Coldstone. Well it was way too much dairy for my system... LO woke up screaming to be fed at 3am and at that same time, I reeeeally had to use the bathroom. I don't know why I didn't tell MH I needed to go. Instead I tried to calm LO for a bit so I could leave and not disturb MH. LO wasn't going to calm down but by the time I realized that, it was too late. As I was running to the bathroom, I crapped a little in my pants! So embarrassing!!
I still wear my postpartum granny panties. My hips are bigger than they used to be so my cute bikini/boy cut underwear do not fit. I guess I just need to suck it up and buy some new underwear.
I need to suck it up and realize I am smaller and it will always be more work to lose the last 10lbs of weight but I just want to see my scale go down 2-3lbs too!
Console yourself with the thought that statistically people who lose at a slower weight are more likely to keep it off than people who lose faster. :-)
Really though 0.5 lbs to 2 lbs/weeks is the rate at which people SHOULD lose weight.
I feel a little twinge of sadness every time a SAHM says she doesnt want to SAH because they need more ::adult interaction::. Makes me feel like Im going to be the last one left in the lame people that must enjoy sitting at home club. I also feel like the younger crowd looks down on women that SAH. Like I must not have had a fulfilling career otherwise why would I have left? When in reality I worked really hard to be where I was career wise. Needed to get that off my chest for some reason.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
DH is gone for a 2 week training school and while I miss him, I'm kinda glad he's not home so I don't have to worry about him wanting to DTD or me give him a BJ every freaking night.
I think I'm bitchier than you ladies who you do more for your LO than your H does (breastfeeding aside). That sh!t would not fly in my house.
I also think I'm way lazier than most of the ladies here. Anytime a cleaning thread comes up or someone makes a comment about how long getting ready in the morning takes (between bottles and LO and hair and makeup etc), I think, "Am I supposed to be doing all that?"
I feel a little twinge of sadness every time a SAHM says she doesnt want to SAH because they need more ::adult interaction::. Makes me feel like Im going to be the last one left in the lame people that must enjoy sitting at home club. I also feel like the younger crowd looks down on women that SAH. Like I must not have had a fulfilling career otherwise why would I have left? When in reality I worked really hard to be where I was career wise. Needed to get that off my chest for some reason.
nese - along the same lines:
There have been a few mommy-war type issues lately on the board about sahm/working moms, and most of the time all the working moms chime in with something along the lines of "I would LOVE to sah but we can't, I have to work" I've probably been a little to defensive and angry about that stuff b/c I could sah but I don't want to. I've never wanted to be a sah mom. I feel guilty sometimes about the fact that I'm happy to have my time in the adult world and would be miserable and bored at home all day with my daughter. I know in my head this doesn't make me a bad mom, and I love Ingrid more than I knew it was possible to love anyone, but I still feel guilty about choosing to work when so many of you folks would love to stay home.
Moral of the story: I think we all feel guilty no matter what we do b/c we all put too much pressure on ourselves to be supermom - superwoman.
Very true. I've been trying to work out this icky feeling in my mind for ever now and couldnt pin point it. But you are totally right. The grass will always be greener on the other side.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
Ok I'm sure ill get flamed for this but here it goes.
I've noticed some new posters or posters from July coming back and they are not feeling welcome here. Last I checked this is a public forum and not a private group.
I feel bad for them when I read something like one of them asking if its ok that they come and post again. Why shouldn't it be ok?
I put Liam to bed with like 30 blankets. By 30 I mean maybe 4, but he likes cuddling with them and putting them on his face and passing out. If it ever looks too crazy on the monitor I go and take one off.
I put Liam to bed with like 30 blankets. By 30 I mean maybe 4, but he likes cuddling with them and putting them on his face and passing out. If it ever looks too crazy on the monitor I go and take one off.
The only way Frankie will sleep is with a blanket.
2. I am jealous I can't drink wine,bump, work out or even have a life at night. My kid doesn't sleep and nothing works. I am failing as a mom,wife, and worker. I get into bed at 730 bump for a bit for my sanity and am asleep between 8 and 9. I never wanted a mom to change "me" but I just can't keep up and it makes me feel bad about myself :S.
This is me lately too. I get home, one of us makes dinner, we put E down around 7-7:30pm. Then I still have to prep bottles, wash bottles/storage botles, stuff diapers, pump, wash pump parts. I try to be in bed by 9:30pm an alarm goes off at 5am regardless of how many times E woke up.
I miss the evening shenanigans. :-( And I feel like TheBoy and I haven't had close couple time in ages.
Ooooh one more:nbsp; When this board is slow, I lurk on Parenting.nbsp; Those mofo's be cray! ...and I love it!!
I love love love parenting!!! And im waaaay too scared to jump in over there.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I put Liam to bed with like 30 blankets. nbsp;By 30 I mean maybe 4, but he likes cuddling with them and putting them on his face and passing out. nbsp;If it ever looks too crazy on the monitor I go and take one off.nbsp;
Dd always sleeps with a blanket on her face during naps. I just make sure there is a little room for air to go in/out. What's funny is that I always have to go under the covers like that when I sleep too.
I'm home sick today. Instead of sleeping, dealing with our mountains of laundry, putting away Christmas stuff, or working on a consulting proposal, I'm bumping and playing a video game.
I like when posters come back, but I don't like when they come back after being MIA for months and then just write something like, "Hey guess what, my kid sleeps eleventy hours straight with no work on my part!!!11!!1" or "BFP!" and then disappear again. Don't come back just to be an AW.
I agree with this. And I think that this is what the person meant when they said something about this (if that's what you others were referring to). Obviously everyone is welcome but it's weird when someone randomly pops up, asks a question, and then peaces out again.
I wrote the same thing on the confession thread last night!
Here's mine: I have a Master's in Education and I don't know if I'll ever go back to teaching. My last teaching assignment didn't have a classroom so I taught in other people's classrooms, and it sucked so much. It was my number one reason for quitting.
My degree was a requirement for my current job, so at least I'm using it. But when I do go back to work full time, it will probably be there and not teaching, unless I get an amazing teaching position somewhere.
Posting random words/images/gifs in threads seems like a desparate way just to get your post count up. I am totally good with a funny picture or gif (sure I may have posted one or two many mean girls gifs in the past few months) if it will actually be funny. But just posting a bunch of random shiit is getting annoying.
My confession is probably flame worthy because it is pathetic lol. I'm totally jealous of all you ladies because you all seem super close. I try to post often but I am always either too late or my reply gets ignored completely. Feel like the outcast trying to fit in. I have no RL mommy friends. I tried joining a group but most of the events are all for older kids that I can't really take Jon to yet. I feel like a total loser.
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My confession is probably flame worthy because it is pathetic lol. I'm totally jealous of all you ladies because you all seem super close. I try to post often but I am always either too late or my reply gets ignored completely. Feel like the outcast trying to fit in. I have no RL mommy friends. I tried joining a group but most of the events are all for older kids that I can't really take Jon to yet. I feel like a total loser.
You are not a loser! Quit over thinking it.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
My FFFC last friday was that I was buying a portable dvd player for my car for Shayne, well I picked it up last saturday and it is now installed in my car. The FFFC to this is that I wasnt originally going to let him watch it just yet but after I installed his convertible carseat and he was not happy that he didnt have his toy bar anymore I now allow him to watch disney movies or baby einstein when we are driving places and I dont feel like its going to stunt his brain development.
I let Adelia watch Finding Nemo yesterday while I cleaned.
My confession is that for the first year and a half of our marriage I contemplated leaving DH so often I would research apartments online.
My confession is probably flame worthy because it is pathetic lol. I'm totally jealous of all you ladies because you all seem super close. I try to post often but I am always either too late or my reply gets ignored completely. Feel like the outcast trying to fit in. I have no RL mommy friends. I tried joining a group but most of the events are all for older kids that I can't really take Jon to yet. I feel like a total loser.
I feel the exact same way! Maybe we can be besties lol
I'm totally cool with that haha. I swear I'm a thread killer though so be careful around me ::insert winky face on mobile:: lol
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I secretly hate hearing how much LO looks like DH. I mean, he totally does, but he has some of my features, too. The only people who say anything about him looking like me are the people who haven't met DH. I hoped to contribute more than a nice warm belly for 9 months.
I have this problem too, and it's for a little girl. I hate that she looks so much like him, and he's always trying to convince me that she's got little parts of me. All I've been able to find so far is she's got my nose (thank heavens, MH has a fairly big one) and the shape of my eyes. Not the color anymore, oh no, they are changing to brown like his, but the shape. {sigh} Maybe we'll have another one that looks like me someday, until then I'm just hoping she doesn't get his unibrow too. LOL
Even a minor event in
the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world
So I had surgery on Tuesday to repair a hernia so dh took the week off work to look after lo.
Confession 1. I was hoping that he would have a difficult time handling lo 24 hrs a day (including night wakings) along with all of the cooking and cleaning. Unfortunately he did a great job so now I have no excuse for getting nothing accomplished while he is at work AND I can't say "I told ya so"
2 I was hoping that lo would be really upset that I couldn't hold & play with her BUT instead she is having a BLAST hanging out with daddy all day and now she loves him more then me
3 I BF lo while on T3's.. Probably shouldn't have but I tried pumping 3x and couldn't get anything out and didn't want my supply to die.
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I secretly hate hearing how much LO looks like DH. I mean, he totally does, but he has some of my features, too. The only people who say anything about him looking like me are the people who haven't met DH. I hoped to contribute more than a nice warm belly for 9 months.
I have this problem too, and it's for a little girl. I hate that she looks so much like him, and he's always trying to convince me that she's got little parts of me. All I've been able to find so far is she's got my nose (thank heavens, MH has a fairly big one) and the shape of my eyes. Not the color anymore, oh no, they are changing to brown like his, but the shape. {sigh} Maybe we'll have another one that looks like me someday, until then I'm just hoping she doesn't get his unibrow too. LOL
Emery looks exactly like my H. The only thing she has of mine is my eyes. But I feel like that little bit is all I need. I see her eyes and I see me.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10
BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I secretly hate hearing how much LO looks like DH. I mean, he totally does, but he has some of my features, too. The only people who say anything about him looking like me are the people who haven't met DH. I hoped to contribute more than a nice warm belly for 9 months.
Yep! Same here. And its even more annoying when its all my future ILs talk about. I get it...he looks like your son...STFU.
I have another...Tonight is my office Christmas party and it is at a really nice place. I am thrilled to get out of the house and go to a party where I get to get dressed up but I am dreading it as well. I went shopping about a hundred times trying to find something that hides my belly and I finally settled on something that still sucks but is passable. Also, I am HR, I take it seriously. I don't get wasted and rock the dance floor like everyone else and everyone always tells me what a dud I am (including my boss). I just don't feel like dealing with that again and having to explain why I act the way I act at work parties. I still have fun but with my job comes a certain level of what is right and wrong. I hate it but its just the way it is. On top of all of that I have to figure out how to pump while I am there. I may try to sneak out on the early bus even though I am expected to stay for the whole thing. ::blah::
Isn't it weird how genetics work? I don't know about you ladies, but I always wondered what my future children would look like but it never crossed my mind that, regardless I'd carry them and they are 50% my genes, it would be Nothing Like Me! Interesting how that happens.
FFFC #1: DS looks just like DH and while I think it's awesome for DH (he's adopted and has never had the 'you look like your dad!' or the whole 'you have your mom's eyes!' type of thing and so now he gets that when he hears that DS looks exactly like him, so that's nice...) but it really peeves me when my ILs gloat about how DS looks like DH -but it's presented in a way like they contributed to DHs features, yet he was adopted and looks NOTHING like his parents in any way, shape, or form. It's weird to me.
FFFC #2: Also it really bothers me that one moment MIL says she adopted my DH when he was 6 weeks old, then it becomes 3 weeks, then another time it was 2 weeks. Pretty soon, she'll say she gave birth to him. Sounds like it shouldn't be bothersome, but it does to me and I think it's because she always brings it to the table in such a matter-of-fact way in comparing my DS to my DH; comparing her mothering technique to mine. I can't stand that.
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Posting random words/images/gifs in threads seems like a desparate way just to get your post count up. I am totally good with a funny picture or gif (sure I may have posted one or two many mean girls gifs in the past few months) if it will actually be funny. But just posting a bunch of random shiit is getting annoying.
people actually care about this? not flamming at all I just didnt know that post count was that big of a deal.
I don't think it is either, I was just trying to find an excuse for the random posting of nothing. I can't think of any other reason people would be adding weird things that have no relevance to the conversation haha.
I didn't post on the Thursday Confession post last night but wanted to because I love vibrators!
I got a vibrator and porn for xmas from H. I like to "diddle" like all the time but don't. Before Kendall, I would diddle like 8 or 9 times a day, everyday. It was great. And I miss it.
You should have! I couldn't get to sleep last night and needed entertainment in my life. That would have been entertaining.
8 or 9 times a day!!!! How did your vag not fall off?
I didn't post on the Thursday Confession post last night but wanted to because I love vibrators!
I got a vibrator and porn for xmas from H. I like to "diddle" like all the time but don't. Before Kendall, I would diddle like 8 or 9 times a day, everyday. It was great. And I miss it.
You should have! I couldn't get to sleep last night and needed entertainment in my life. That would have been entertaining.
8 or 9 times a day!!!! How did your vag not fall off?
Oh Jeeze!!! Hahahaha!! I totally just snorted I laughed so hard!!
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I put Liam to bed with like 30 blankets. By 30 I mean maybe 4, but he likes cuddling with them and putting them on his face and passing out. If it ever looks too crazy on the monitor I go and take one off.
The only way Frankie will sleep is with a blanket.
Hanna too. She loves to rub her fingers through the fuzziness of the blanket for comfort or suck on it.
I do the same thing. LO has 3 blankets in her crib and she loves to hold/rub one of them when she is falling asleep. I figure she can turn her head and roll over so it must be safe.
I didn't post on the Thursday Confession post last night but wanted to because I love vibrators!
I got a vibrator and porn for xmas from H. I like to "diddle" like all the time but don't. Before Kendall, I would diddle like 8 or 9 times a day, everyday. It was great. And I miss it.
You should have! I couldn't get to sleep last night and needed entertainment in my life. That would have been entertaining.
8 or 9 times a day!!!! How did your vag not fall off?
I'm fashionably late as usual, and super stoked that I remembered my FFFC (thought of this on Wed and forgot until just now)
At home, I don't regularly wash my hands after a #1. I just don't see the point. It's not like I get pee on my hands or anything. Don't worry, in public or always after a #2, I wash.
i am doing a crap-ass job at work because i have been so unfocused and my supervisors keep telling me how well i am doing in my new job position. WTH?
Also, Graham is really difficult to get to sleep, so I've made DH do his bedtime routine every night this week because I just don't feel like dealing with the crying. My justification is that I need to go downstairs and exercise. I'll get on the elliptical for maybe thirty minutes, then I'll stay down there and watch tv or something until I think the baby is asleep.
TMI confession...
Last week the hubby and I went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and then I got a medium ice cream at Coldstone. Well it was way too much dairy for my system... LO woke up screaming to be fed at 3am and at that same time, I reeeeally had to use the bathroom. I don't know why I didn't tell MH I needed to go. Instead I tried to calm LO for a bit so I could leave and not disturb MH. LO wasn't going to calm down but by the time I realized that, it was too late. As I was running to the bathroom, I crapped a little in my pants! So embarrassing!!
Console yourself with the thought that statistically people who lose at a slower weight are more likely to keep it off than people who lose faster. :-)
Really though 0.5 lbs to 2 lbs/weeks is the rate at which people SHOULD lose weight.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I also think I'm way lazier than most of the ladies here. Anytime a cleaning thread comes up or someone makes a comment about how long getting ready in the morning takes (between bottles and LO and hair and makeup etc), I think, "Am I supposed to be doing all that?"
Very true. I've been trying to work out this icky feeling in my mind for ever now and couldnt pin point it. But you are totally right. The grass will always be greener on the other side.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I've noticed some new posters or posters from July coming back and they are not feeling welcome here. Last I checked this is a public forum and not a private group.
I feel bad for them when I read something like one of them asking if its ok that they come and post again. Why shouldn't it be ok?
Don't ever be embarrassed about Taylor or Britney. The haters gonna hate.
The only way Frankie will sleep is with a blanket.
This is me lately too. I get home, one of us makes dinner, we put E down around 7-7:30pm. Then I still have to prep bottles, wash bottles/storage botles, stuff diapers, pump, wash pump parts. I try to be in bed by 9:30pm an alarm goes off at 5am regardless of how many times E woke up.
I miss the evening shenanigans. :-( And I feel like TheBoy and I haven't had close couple time in ages.
I love love love parenting!!! And im waaaay too scared to jump in over there.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
Dd always sleeps with a blanket on her face during naps. I just make sure there is a little room for air to go in/out. What's funny is that I always have to go under the covers like that when I sleep too.
I wrote the same thing on the confession thread last night!
My degree was a requirement for my current job, so at least I'm using it. But when I do go back to work full time, it will probably be there and not teaching, unless I get an amazing teaching position somewhere.
You are not a loser! Quit over thinking it.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
I let Adelia watch Finding Nemo yesterday while I cleaned.
My confession is that for the first year and a half of our marriage I contemplated leaving DH so often I would research apartments online.
I'm totally cool with that haha. I swear I'm a thread killer though so be careful around me ::insert winky face on mobile:: lol
I have this problem too, and it's for a little girl. I hate that she looks so much like him, and he's always trying to convince me that she's got little parts of me. All I've been able to find so far is she's got my nose (thank heavens, MH has a fairly big one) and the shape of my eyes. Not the color anymore, oh no, they are changing to brown like his, but the shape. {sigh} Maybe we'll have another one that looks like me someday, until then I'm just hoping she doesn't get his unibrow too. LOL
Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event.
So I had surgery on Tuesday to repair a hernia so dh took the week off work to look after lo.
Confession 1. I was hoping that he would have a difficult time handling lo 24 hrs a day (including night wakings) along with all of the cooking and cleaning. Unfortunately he did a great job so now I have no excuse for getting nothing accomplished while he is at work AND I can't say "I told ya so"
2 I was hoping that lo would be really upset that I couldn't hold & play with her BUT instead she is having a BLAST hanging out with daddy all day and now she loves him more then me
3 I BF lo while on T3's.. Probably shouldn't have but I tried pumping 3x and couldn't get anything out and didn't want my supply to die.
I kinda hate a couple baby names on here, but you will never get it out of me who it is. Muahahaha
What just happened in my diaper?!
Emery looks exactly like my H. The only thing she has of mine is my eyes. But I feel like that little bit is all I need. I see her eyes and I see me.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
True, and if she starts to complain I can just pluck them while she's sleeping. LOL
Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event.
That's sweet. I haven't thought about it like that, but will try.
Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event.
Isn't it weird how genetics work? I don't know about you ladies, but I always wondered what my future children would look like but it never crossed my mind that, regardless I'd carry them and they are 50% my genes, it would be Nothing Like Me! Interesting how that happens.
FFFC #1: DS looks just like DH and while I think it's awesome for DH (he's adopted and has never had the 'you look like your dad!' or the whole 'you have your mom's eyes!' type of thing and so now he gets that when he hears that DS looks exactly like him, so that's nice...) but it really peeves me when my ILs gloat about how DS looks like DH -but it's presented in a way like they contributed to DHs features, yet he was adopted and looks NOTHING like his parents in any way, shape, or form. It's weird to me.
FFFC #2: Also it really bothers me that one moment MIL says she adopted my DH when he was 6 weeks old, then it becomes 3 weeks, then another time it was 2 weeks. Pretty soon, she'll say she gave birth to him. Sounds like it shouldn't be bothersome, but it does to me and I think it's because she always brings it to the table in such a matter-of-fact way in comparing my DS to my DH; comparing her mothering technique to mine. I can't stand that.
8 or 9 times a day!!!! How did your vag not fall off?
Oh Jeeze!!! Hahahaha!! I totally just snorted I laughed so hard!!
I do the same thing. LO has 3 blankets in her crib and she loves to hold/rub one of them when she is falling asleep. I figure she can turn her head and roll over so it must be safe.
But every day!!! Mine would be on the floor.
I'm fashionably late as usual, and super stoked that I remembered my FFFC (thought of this on Wed and forgot until just now)
At home, I don't regularly wash my hands after a #1. I just don't see the point. It's not like I get pee on my hands or anything. Don't worry, in public or always after a #2, I wash.