My incision has been very itchy the past couple days and tonight I actually looked at it and its a little red and there is a lump the size of a pea right belownthe incision and its itchy too...any idea what this is? I had cellulitis a week out and just in the last month I've had mastitis twice so I'm finishing up twenty days of keflex tomorrow.
Re: Itchy incision and lump below?!?
itching is your nerve endings coming back. Itching is actually a form of pain. So that is actually normal. I am not sure what the lump is but part of my incision is lumpy but that is the incision itself, which happens to some people. If you are concerned you can call your dr.
Itching happens as you heal, mine still gets itchy. I mean even when I get a simple cut it gets a little itchy as it heals
Married October 16th, 2010
TTC #1 since October 2010
1st BFP 1-12-11
MC'd 1-22-11
2nd BFP 2-15-11
Our Wee One....**KENNEDY JO** born 10/3/11@ 36weeks via Csection
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Labor Buddy to **MRS.ATCH** Welcome Quinn 11-5-11**