Regular CDing didn't work for us, but I want to use cloth swim diapers for DS when he begins lessons. Some of the swim schools near us even require cloth swim diapers. What brand do you recommend? How do they work compared to regular CDs? Are there inserts? Do they come OS or will I need to buy several sizes?
Re: Favorite swim diaper?
They come sized (usually 2-3 different sizes). I have an Applecheeks size 1 and have no complaints.
They have no inserts, just a shell to catch any poo. That's all the disposable swim diapers do anyway.
I wash mine with her regular clothes whenever I use it. I don't use any special detergent.
Just do yourself a favor and buy one with snaps or velcro. If my daughter had a BM while wearing it I would hate to have to pull the diaper down her legs.
I have and love this iPlay swim diaper.
There are no inserts. There's a little bit of absorbancy, but not enough to catch pee. Swim diapers are just designed to hold in poop anyway. Sizes are listed on that link, and they are pretty true to that weight range. DD2 actually still fits in the XL at 32 lbs (weight range 25-30 lbs).
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I really liked the imse vimse ones we had for DS. They have snaps (haaaate velcro) and fit him really well (skinny baby).