I'm sure this has been asked a million times before so sorry in advance :
I've been having dreams of having multiples. Dreamt about:
1. Grown Triplet girls
2. Found twins at u/s but lost one
3. Same as but lost both.
Just wondering if any multiple moms had dreams of multiples before finding out?
Wishful Thinking.
Re: Premonition dreams..
I frequently dream that I found or won a million dollars. Hasn't happened yet.
I also have a recurring dream where I'm on an airplane, but we just drive the airplane all the way to the destination instead of flying. Sadly, this hasn't happened yet either.
Married since June 2010
TTC #1 since 04/2011
3 abnormal PAPs and 2 colpo/biopsy since 09/2009
LEEP 05/2011
ASCUS PAP 08/2011 which means no PAP for 6 months!! YAY!!
BFP 11/6/11!! EDD: 7/15/12
1st u/s 11/21/11: TWINS!
16 wks 1/30/12: BOY and GIRL!
Schedualed c-section for 7/2/12 38wks 1day
Went into labor 6/25/12 37wks 1day. Delivered two healthy babies
An ultrasound is the only real sign.
Guess I should have been more specific.
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
<a href="http://s568.photobucket.com/albums/ss122/AliceNP/?action=view
I thought these responses were tame. Hmmm.
Preemie ID DDs; then DS; then natural M/C; now due 10/17
High risk for pre-term: weekly Makena injections
I'm sorry you're getting rude responses. It's a common question on this board but doesn't need snarky responses. I didn't have any dreams, but I did know we were having twins long before I even knew I was pregnant. Too many weird happenings!
Nope no multiples dreams. Right before our 20 week ultrasound, I had a dream it was a boy, so I convinced myself we were having a boy. Then we learned it was two girls!
Ditto! I came back because I wanted to see some funny responses but was sadly disappointed! Most of the answers (including mine) were serious. But when you have people asking day in and day out if diarrhea (yep, really), dreams, or being super hungry means you're having twins it can be hard to keep a straight face. If your dream does come true we will gladly welcome you! I actually find this to be the least snarky board I check on a regular basis.
I know it's not the norm and even seems a little hokey, but I did have dreams about having twins...all throughout my first trimester. I told my husband and few close friends about it, but never really thought it was true. My 20 week ultrasound showed two babies .
I think the term wishful thinking might be ill-chosen. There are a lot of risks and challenges associated with multiples pregnancies.
Like has said MANY MANY MANY times before - if you come to a multiples board, and ask if anyone has had multiples after doing XYZ, the odds are you're going to come across a few. And those will be WAY more than the actual odds if you were to ask a random sampling of people who are trying/have been pregnant/have had a successful pregnancy. That'd be like going to a group of blondes and asking them if they have ever had blonde hair.