
Another Birthday Party Question--who to invite to 2 y/o bday party?

I'm starting to think about DS's 2nd birthday party and am wondering whether I should invite kids from his daycare class. His first birthday was just our family and some close family friends, but I was thinking that now that he's more interactive with some of the other kids at DC that maybe this year we should invite some of his "friends," too.  I wouldn't want to invite his whole class, though. His class is for 6 weeks through 2 years, and there are 3 or 4 kids right around his age that he plays with. He doesn't really have too much interaction with the young babies, so to me it would seem a little weird to invite them to his birthday party. Is it rude/poor etiquette to not invite the whole class? WDPT?
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Re: Another Birthday Party Question--who to invite to 2 y/o bday party?

  • I would only invite the kids he interacts with.  We invited B's entire class to her 2nd birthday party, but they were all aged within a couple of months of her. 
  • I would invite all the 2 y/o's in his class. For DD's 2nd birthday last year we invited the kids she played with in school and my mom friends kids. In total we had about 15 two year olds at an inflatable bouncy house type place. She had a blast and for her 3rd this year we are doing it at the same place. Happy Birthday to your DS! Party!!!
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  • B's is Saturday and I invited our friends and neighbors that have children in the 1-4 year old range, and 3 kids from the daycare. She knows what a party is and I asked her who she wanted from school and she named 3 kids. So I went with it.
    BFP #1 9/23/09. Missed MC 10w3d D&C 11/3/09.

    BFP #2 4/13/10. Bridget born 12/28/10

    BFP #3 Finn born 8/11/15



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  • imagescoutkate:
    I would only invite the kids he interacts with.  We invited B's entire class to her 2nd birthday party, but they were all aged within a couple of months of her. 

    This. We invited his class but they are all 2yo. FWIW, we invited all and only half came to the party. We also invited some of the kids from his gymnastics class but not all. Just the ones that have been in his class for awhile and we know the parents (and James calls by name). Because we were not inviting everyone, I gave the invites out after the class away from everyone. I didn't want to make anyone feel left out. 

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

  • For DS's 2nd bday we did only family and close friends again like 1st.  For his 3rd bday in June we have havng it at a bouncy place and inviting everyone in the class (which is actually 2 classes).  They are together in the morning and late afternoon and 2 of his really good friends are in the class, so everyone is invited.   
  • You do not need to invite the whole class.  I have huge issues with any school that has a policy like that.  I would invite the few kids that are his age and he plays with.  I would check with the school to see if they have a policy around passing out the invites though.  At my kids daycare and the PreK (private daycare/preschool center and PreK based the elementary in a PreK-6 school) we had parent folders and were welcome to leave invites in the folders.  I know some schools ask that you not pass out invitations unless all are invited or ask that the invites be giving to the teachers to pass out.  If you have snail mail or email address, that is also a great option to remove it from the school.  I have gotten a number of evite invitations and also some via snail mail but do get most in the parent folder.  My kindergarter brings home a folder every Friday and we have gotten some of the invites that way as well.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • imagekatem3277:
    This response may belong in the UO thread, but I think 2 is too young to have people outside family/close friends at a b'day party.  My DD is going to be 4 next month and it will be the first party in which we invite other kids.  We have become closer with a couple neighbor families so we will invite them and their kids along with our families. Still not inviting anyone from day care.

    Not everyone lives near family. DS spends all day with his friends from daycare and talks about them when he isn't there. I know he would much rather spend a few hours on a Saturday with them than my adult friends. (He just turned 2). 

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

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