Cloth Diapering

Osocozy prefolds question

They say on the package that they need to be prewashed 2-3 to reach maximum absorbency but don't give specific instructions on what to do.

I am terrified to screw this up. Anyone have prepped/have used Osocozy and can help? Thanks! 

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Re: Osocozy prefolds question

  • Just wash on hot with a little bit of detergent.

    Or, you can just boil them and then dry them.

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  • imageInto+the+Kitty:

    Just wash on hot with a little bit of detergent.

    Or, you can just boil them and then dry them.

    Generally boil for 10 minutes, right? I don't know if I have a big enough pot to boil more than 1-3 at a time.

    What temp to dry on? Tumble, low heat or does it even matter because it's cotton? 

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  • I think when I boiled them I did 3  at a time for 15 minutes a piece, then put them all into a strainer using tongs, then ran cold water over them until they were cool enough that I wrang them out and dryed on high. It doesn't matter really what temp you dry on, I don't think, but I always dry diaper material on high for the first few times.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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  • Cotton prefolds are very forgiving so don't stress.

    I prepped mine (both OsoCozy & GMDs) with other laundry like sheets & towels because I didn't want to wash just a dozen prefolds. Just use a CD friendly detergent and skip any fabric softeners.

    It does not matter what temp you dry for PFs. I usually do medium.

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  • I boiled mine between 15-20 minutes (I didn't want to screw it up!) and took out with a pair of tongs, slwoly wrapping the diaper around the tongs like you would a tea bag around a spoon to get out some water. Then I dropped into a towel-lined laundry basket.  Rolled up towel to squeeze out water and put in the dryer on low heat.
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