
I tandem nursed in public :) it can be done!

I know I asked about this here and have seen posts before.  Granted my LOs are older now so they can sit up on their own, but we went on a trip and I tandem nursed them in the airport (they have a major meltdown if one gets to nurse and the other has to wait). 

We were sitting in a corner facing away from the room and DH sat on the outside of me, I'm pretty sure no one had any idea what was going on. 

Re: I tandem nursed in public :) it can be done!

  • Thanks for posting this. I worry about this so much. I nursed ds wherever, and I'm sad I won't have the same experience with these babies. You give me hope!
    Mom to Jacob, Henry and Ian Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I would have had a panic attack..good for you tho!! How old are they? Mine are almost 12 mo and starting to get jealous too. Even if baby B ate already he gets upset :/
    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
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  • Awesome! How old are they and how did you do it, logistically--like, how were they situated?

    TTC since September 2009.

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  • Good for you! That's awesome!
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  • They were 16 months. The demanding to nurse together started at about a year.As for logistics, they were each sort of sitting on one of my legs, facing inwards/each other, and the laid against my armpits. I was leaning back against the chair I was sitting in.When we tandem nurse at home it's similar but Im usually leaning further back on the couch so they don't have to sit up so much.
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