
First mother search update

Our lawyer wrote back that he completely understands not only why we want to find her (and also the police officers), but also why we would like to remain unknown for now.  He even said that he could imagine how urgent this all is to us, and so he's begun working on it already.

He looked up M's first mother's national ID number, and discovered it was not renewed when it last expired and that she did not vote in the last elections, which means that we still don't know if she is alive or not.  But he sent me a screen capture of the system, and I now have a picture of her!  And a copy of her signature, her exact birth date, and M's grandparents' names. I also know she has had one year of schooling and have her legal address at the time she last renewed her ID (2007).  The next step is for our lawyer to travel to her city soon to find out what he can.

It's unreal looking at her picture.  We see M in her face.  The resemblance is complete.  This, in and of itself, is the most rewarding thing we could have hoped for--a picture for him to have, even if it is an ID photo and stamped with the national agency's name.  It's a real photo of his first mother.

Re: First mother search update

  • Wow!  How exciting!  That really is awesome information!
  • Wow!  Sounds like he was able to find information fairly quickly.  I'm so happy for you guys!  How great that M has a picture of his first mother.  I think it's great that you have the other information, too. 

    How did M react to seeing the picture?  (Did you already show him?)


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  • That is AMAZING!!! The lawyer sounds so sympathetic and helpful, and to get that info in a few days must be so wonderful. I can't wait to hear updates regarding what he finds in her town. Fingers crossed for you guys!!
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  • [quote user="Art Teacher"]

    How did M react to seeing the picture?  (Did you already show him?)



    No, I just got all this in an e-mail today at work.  We haven't told him we're looking for his first mother, so I can't go home tell him immediately, either.

    I think I'll bring it up soon, and just play it off like I just came across it.  He knows we have a ton of information/papers from the adoption that cover all sorts of details about him, so I'll likely just print it off and tell him, "look what I found."

  • WOW. It's amazing what great feats we can accomplish with technology now a days. Good luck! I hope that it all works out.
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  • Wow.. that's incredible.  I am so glad your lawyer is being helpful.  I am sure this is not a typical request.
    image Best friends and sisters... 24 months and 16 months
  • SO exciting.
  • Oh, that makes sense.  I didn't realize you had just heard from him today. 


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  • That's exciting!  It's wonderful that he will have a picture of her.

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    TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
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  • That's wonderful. I hope the lawyer can find out more information for M and you.
  • It sounds like you have a great lawyer, I'm so glad he was able to get you a picture.

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