So I went to Target today and threw Liam in the front of the shopping cart with our shopping cart cover. I was so excited, but it went terribly wrong. He basically leaned/layed down to one side the whole time. I surrounded him with blankets and he still wouldn't sit up straight. I got a ton of looks. Screw them. But, anyway he either
a) Isn't ready for it yet.
2) I am an idiot and didn't do it correctly
D)His helmet is 20 pounds and makes it impossible for his big noggin to sit up straight.
Re: Major shopping cart fail. Major.
Married: 5/21/05 **~** Emery Aylin 6/30/12
BFP#1-11/5/10- Surgery for ectopic pregnancy 11/15/10 BFP#2-11/1/11 Due 7/8/12 Born 6/30/12
Oops we did it again... BFP 03/23/14 Due 12/6/14 Nora Born 11/23/14
Yes, but he floated to the side. I feel like I could have stapled him in and it still wouldn't have worked. He isn't a great sitter, so I guess I will give it a few more weeks.
Jon tries to pull one foot out and put it on top of the cart handle... so he tends to lean a bit too. Goofy kid! I just make sure the strap is pretty snug, usually keeps him from getting too far
Your kid sits up soooo well though!! I mean to tell you this the other day from the pics on FB. I was super impressed!
hahaa isn't it crazy how defensive we have all gotten? I would kill for this kid.
lmao omg I about died! I bet the look on her face was priceless. Serves her right lol
And Megs, thanks! He does sit really well, though he does topple over sometimes haha. DH left him sitting on his blanket on the floor without a pillow and he fell over and bonked his head. Looked at DH like he did lmao Mommy came to the rescue though
That sucks when that happens! Maybe he didn't have V8 today. People need to just STFU.
I think it was probably option C that was the culprit.
Cooper sits fine, but there's something about that shopping cart that makes him melt to one side. It doesn't matter how many times I correct him, he just won't sit up.
You got a ton of looks, because you are out with a cutie!
Oh no, sorry it didn't work for you
It won't be long, though!
LOL Theres always time for a V8! Im sure it was C or he could be like my kid and try to prop his foot on top of everything. My kid is going to be that dude that drives all leaned back with his seat in the backseat I sware.
Maybe he's just not quite ready yet.
I think with DS1 we used to bring the boppy and kinda shove it around him as much as we could to help him be more upright (we don't have a shopping cart cover) until he was a really good sitter.
I'm pretty much avoiding it as much as I can at this point. I hate taking 2 kids out shopping since my toddler sits in the cart and then the infant carrier takes up the whole cart basket - I can't buy much.
I usually do my shopping when DH is home on the weekends. Then I make him stay home with the baby and I just take my toddler with me. Or I go by myself after they go to bed at night and DH can stay home.
In another month or two once the baby is sitting better I plan on putting him in the cart and putting my toddler in the basket and seeing how that goes.
Poor Liam and Mom!
I am not going to lie I was laughing as I pictured all of this in my head. And that you went A, 2, D. You make me laugh.
Mine doesn't sit either. I maintain it's because she wants to stand so bad. I set her on the floor sitting and she tries to push up with her legs. Doesn't work at all.