June 2011 Moms

Late Night Wakings and fits

Any other LOs waking up in the middle of the night then throwing a fit? This is the third night in a row and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong. Any advice on how to help her get back to sleep? So far she's been up and crying for at least an hour. I'm sure the people in the condo next door love us.
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Re: Late Night Wakings and fits

  • Right there with ya. I do not know if it's teeth or what, Last night he was up at 3am  and had to eat a fruit cup!!! I am soooo tired.

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  • I'm with you as well! We've assumed teething but dh says she must be a shark with all this supposed teething.
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  • imagenic5606:
    Right there with ya. I do not know if it's teeth or what, Last night he was up at 3am  and had to eat a fruit cup!!! I am soooo tired.


    This!! Except mine wanted a piece of cheese.


    OP- I have no idea what it is. Sometimes DD will sleep 12-13 hours no problem and other nights she is up 2 or 3 times. I'm wondering if it's a growth spurt?

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  • We just went through about a week of this. I was losing my mind. Normally bringing him to our bed works, but he was restless and wouldn't fall back asleep. My H and I took turns sleeping with him on the couch. It was bizarre. I didn't think teeth because he just finished getting his 4 molars and 4 eye teeth in the previous 6 weeks. I blamed the craziness of Christmas and being out of routine, but I really have no idea. Then Saturday he began sleeping through again!!
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  • We've had unusal night wakings lately too. She's also been resisting bedtime a little. The pedi told us at her 18M appointment that she wouldn't be surprised if her 2yo molars will start soon since she was so early with the rest of her teeth. I've actually chalked up the night issues with 2yo molars, although I don't see any proof of them yet.

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  • Just curious...when LO's were younger weren't some sleeping issues due to they were learning something new.  Could this be what they are going through now?  New developmental milestones.  
  • Going through this right now! We have been up since 4AM today and yesterday we were uip at 5:30AM.. He will not go back to bed, We stopped having the paci this weekend so he is not soothing himself back to sleep. But he has started talking a TON! which i also think could be a waker period. He just talks and talks.. He has all of his molars and has NOT got his fang teeth yet..


  • imagelauracoro:
    I'm with you as well! We've assumed teething but dh says she must be a shark with all this supposed teething.

    HA!  that's too funny.

    C has always been an awesome sleeper, but he was getting pretty bad there for a couple weeks.  I chalked it up to teeth, too.  Those molars take forever to come in.  He's better now.  


    Lilypie - (JzKZ) Lilypie - (DgGJ)

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