I feel like everytime I watch the news they are talking about how bad the flu (and RSV) is this year. I'm totally panicing about it! My lo is 7 months now and he did have his flu shot during his 6 month well visit. And of course both my husband and I also got the flu shot. But I'm still really worried about it. So, I guess my question is- has anyone's lo gotten the flu or RSV? How did they do with it? Had they gotten thier flu shot or synagis and gotten sick anyway? I guess I'm looking for a little reassurance.
Re: Flu panic
I'm scared to death of it -- particularly since we're bringing home the girls next week, most likely, with one of them still on the teeniest bit of oxygen. They've had their first whooping cough vaccine, and will get their first Synagis shot before going home, but that's not much of a consolation or security blanket.
They won't leave the house except for Dr Appts between now and mid-May. We have hand sanitizer EVERYWHERE, and the only visitors we're allowing are my parents, my brother and his GF, my sister and her husband, and then one couple who is our closest friends -- and ALL of them have to scrub-in NICU-style when they come over, have been symptom-free of anything for 4-5 days....the works.
DH is taking 2 weeks off once the girls come home, but once he goes back to work, he's going to immediately shower and change clothes before he even comes in contact with the girls when he gets home at night.
Beyond Dr Appts, I'll limit grocery visits to every 7-10 days, and will go at off hours so as to avoid people. I've been doing this as long as the girls have been in the NICU, for the most part, anyway.
Like you, I'm a complete and total germ-o-phobe. I know I can't prevent everything, but I sure as hell am going to try.