Trying to Get Pregnant

GTKY since things are slow tonight

If you could pick any job, what would it be?

When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?

Big city or small town? 

Favourite thing to do in winter? 

Where does all your money go? 

What book are you reading?


....and go!

Re: GTKY since things are slow tonight

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Does SAHM count?

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Depends on who I am ticked off at

    Big city or small town?  big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  Snowboard

    Where does all your money go?  Debt/savings

    What book are you reading? textbooks....


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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Kindergarten teacher. Or wedding planner.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?Silent treatment. Provided the victim notices and is aware of how pissed off I am.

    Big city or small town? Small town. Big cities terrify me. I grew up in a town with a population of 1000.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Read. And drink hot chocolate.

    Where does all your money go? Clothes, and craft supplies. I am a huge geek.

    What book are you reading?I've got 3 on the go...The Hobbit, Mini Shopaholic, and The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant (re-reading the first two. Time to hit the bookstore soon!)


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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? College Professor or SAHM

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  Fight it out

    Big city or small town? Small town

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  Play in the snow!

    Where does all your money go?  Mortgage, bills and savings

    What book are you reading?  Nothing right now.

    Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)

    Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz


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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Best Selling Author

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Used to fight it out, now just get over it.

    Big city or small town? I live in a small, historic town and love it.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Sex with DH Wink In all seriousness, I don't handle the cold well, so snuggled up with DH is a great compromise.

    Where does all your money go? My kids.

    What book are you reading? None right now, working on research for a historical book about our house and property.


    ....and go!
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Own a bakery. :) Or SAHM

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Silent treatment.

    Big city or small town? Small town

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Not be cold. :( Hot chocolate. Lots of snuggles.

    Where does all your money go? Right now, my house. And stuff for it.

    What book are you reading? Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan and Dollhouse by Anya Allyn

    imageFertility Friend Chart

    TTC #1 since 10/12
    7/13 : DX Possible PCOS
    ---ultrasound shows clear left ovary, "polycystic appearance" on right
    ---TSH and prolactin levels : Good
    : RE appointment scheduled

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?  hmmm, singer (if I was good that is)

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  fight it out for about 10 min. then walk away giving the silent treatment

    Big city or small town?  live in a small town, but play in the city

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  curl up w a book

    Where does all your money go?  bills, DD, wine 

    What book are you reading?  nothing right now, I can't get away from the bump long enough to get a new book!! :)


    ....and go!

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?

    A marine veterinarian

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?

    Depends on my mood and the person I am ticked off at!

    Big city or small town? 

    Small town..from an island so I am not used to crowds of people and I don't enjoy them!

    Favourite thing to do in winter? 

    Play with my dog in the snow...he loves it and has such a "bliss" face when he is running and catching snowballs!

    Where does all your money go? 


    What book are you reading?

    Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks


    ....and go!

    **Siggy/Ticker Warning**   

                  TTC #1 since May 2012

                  May 2013: First R.E. appointment

                  DH: SA is good

                   May 2013: CD3 Blood work-normal
               June 2013: Hsg-Right tube blocked

                   July 26, 2013: Starting Follistim for IVF #1

                  August 2013: IVF #1 Cancelled- Abnormal embryos

             October/November 2013: IVF #2 w/ICSI

                        November 8, 2013: Transferred two early blasts (no frosties) 

    November 18, 2013: First EVER BFP! 

    Beta#1: 91  Beta#2: 288

    1st U/S- 5w2d Saw yolk sac!

    3rd U/S- 7w4d HB of 157bpm!




                                        BabyFruit Ticker

                                        BabyFetus Ticker

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Police Dispatcher, wedding planner or SAHM

    when you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  Both. I will be silent for a while then let's fight it out after I collect my thoughts

    Big city or small town? Small town close to big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Snuggle on the couch with hot chocolate and a good movie

    Where does all your money go? Bills!!

    What book are you reading? I'm not I don't care for books much 

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? SAHM, I'm doing it. 

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Fight. 

    Big city or small town?  I live in the city, I'd love to live in a small town with few neighbors. 

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Stay warm. 

    Where does all your money go? A lot goes into savings. The rest goes to bills. 

    What book are you reading? Nothing ATM. 

    Spontaneous pregnancy #1
    DD1 July 31, 2011

    Trying for #2 since Oct 11
    732973 Clomid Cycles
    2 IUIs 
    3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
    Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
    Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
    Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
    Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!! 

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Maybe a party planner or interior decorator

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Definitely fight it out, DH doesn't understand silent and usually is clueless why I am mad.  

    Big city or small town? Small city? I live in a smaller city and love it! 

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Snuggle on the couch with DH and our dog

    Where does all your money go? Clothes, eating out

    What book are you reading? Switch: how to change things when change is hard. I usually don't read nonfiction but this was recommended to me by several people


                    image  imageimage

    TTC #1 since November 2011
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility, probable endometriosis
    Feb-April 2013: Femara + TI: BFN
    May - September 2013:  Follistim + Ovidrel + IUI#1-4 = BFN
    IVF # 1 November 2013: transferred 1 perfect blast = BFN
    IVF # 2 April 2014: Endo scrape, transferred 2 blasts = BFP!! (first ever!), CP
    FET #1 June 2014: transferred 2 blasts = BFFN
    New Dx: Repeat Implantation Failure
     IVF # 3 November 2014 = BFP!!  Beta #1 9dp5t 272  Beta # 2 11dp5dt 626
    It's Twins! 
    *everyone welcome*
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Running my own no-kill shelter for animals

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? oh I scream like a true ginger

    Big city or small town? big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter? nothing. I hate the winter.

    Where does all your money go? gambling, drinking and strippers

    What book are you reading? A Season on the Brink by John Feinstein

    lots of <3 to my TBBFF Sothernpeach80 - BABY ETHAN IS HERE! 02.04.13 <3

    TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    BFP #1 07/27/12 - EDD 04/07/13; C/P on 07/31/12

    BFP #2 10/11/12 - EDD 06/24/13; Blighted Ovum; D&C 11/30/12

    BFP #3 03/10/13 - EDD 11/17/13 - PLEASE BE OUR TAKE HOME BABY!

    Beta #1 - 95.8 (12DPO); Beta #2 - 502 (15DPO); Beta #3 - 2003 (18DPO)

    First U/S showed one beautiful baby measuring 7w1d with a HR of 148!!! Second U/S showed baby measuring 9w0d with a HR of 173!!!

    My Ugly BFP Chart

    “I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much." -Mother Teresa

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Millionare or billionare. hah jk I would like to be a SAHM jus not sure if I'd be very good at it but it would be awesome if I had a job that made enough my DH could be a SAHD.   

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Fight it out which ends up dragging the fight on for hours. 

    Big city or small town? Big City

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Stay inside.  I absolutely hate the bitter/windy cold. 

    Where does all your money go? Eating out.

    What book are you reading? I'm not reading anything at the moment.  My MIL left me some books over christmas but I haven't even touched them yet.

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Something in fashion

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Def the silent treatment

    Big city or small town? Big city!

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Hang out at home with long ad the wine is present ;

    Where does all your money go? Ugh I feel like it disappears in the supermarket/and my kids

    What book are you reading? About to start gone girl

    ....and go!
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? A medical doctor of some sort. If only I could stand school for that long.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Both. I get silent, and then I unleash it eventually.

    Big city or small town? City girl here.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Have a hot bath and read.

    Where does all your money go? Savings & mortgage mainly.

    What book are you reading? The Mother of all Pregnancy Books by Ann Douglas.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BFP #1 - 11/7/12 * M/C - 12/8/12 @ 7W6D
    BFP #2 - 3/2/13 * DS1 - BORN ON EDD - 11/13/13
    BFP #3 - 11/7/14 * DS2 - BORN ON EDD - 07/21/15 
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    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? oh I scream like a true ginger


    This made me laugh. And reminded me that while I do give the silent treatment for awhile, I also have been know to "scream like a true ginger." DH once told a stranger that commented on my hair that I had the temper to match :)  

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? A Singer/Broadway Star (one of my new yrs resolutions is to update my youtube channel at least 2 times a month)

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Fight and then Silence 

    Big city or small town? I love Both

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Sledding, Hotcocoa, and snowball fights

    Where does all your money go? My Family

    What book are you reading? Game of Thrones

    **~Future Mama to my June "Sprout"~**
    EDD- 06/13/2017
    **Stinkerbelle-8-27-10 * Mr.P's 2nd Mama 7-27-07**
    TTGP's 2013 Sweetest Bumpie <3 

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?  I'm a teacher.  I love it.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  Fight it out!

    Big city or small town? small town to live, big city to visit

    Favourite thing to do in winter? watch snow fall

    Where does all your money go?  besides bills...?  maybe on my pup

    What book are you reading? Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet, by Darynda Jones (it's the fourth in a series... it's pretty good)


    Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS

    BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c  9.16.13 @ 11w4d

    BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!

    TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart 

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    Augh could't post! Trying again:

    If you could pick any job, what would it be? yarn shop owner or sewing pattern designer

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? gravitating more toward fight it out as life goes on

    Big city or small town? small town, cities scare me

    Favourite thing to do in winter? walk in the falling snow

    Where does all your money go? food and travel to visit friends

    What book are you reading? Breaking dawn-- took me a while to get to this one

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? The job I have...high school science teacher.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Depends who I'm pissed at: I love confrontation so most people get a mouth-full but sometimes its easier to bite my tongue with DH ;-)

    Big city or small town? Small town

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Train for a marathon, look forward to spring flowers and summer vacation

    Where does all your money go? We watch every penny so it either gets saved or spent wisely - sadly, most of our money each month goes to daycare and our mortgage.

    What book are you reading? Playing with Boys - got it on the $1 rack at the bookstore - so far, I like it (its total chick lit)


    ....and go!


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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? School Secertary or Administrative Assistant in School

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? It usually starts with the silent treatment and then I make myself really mad and it ends up with me screaming.

    Big city or small town? Small town that is within driving distance to a big city.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Tubing

    Where does all your money go? Bills and savings

    What book are you reading? None right now.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?   Probably a midwife

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?    Definitely silent treatment

    Big city or small town?  I like living on the edge of a big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  Snuggle up in bed. Texas is SO hot usually so it's nice to not need the AC on and snuggle under the covers.

    Where does all your money go?   Rent, other bills, groceries, and savings. Not enough going into savings usually haha!

    What book are you reading?   Victims, by Jonathan Kellerman. I love psychological thrillers!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Astrophysicist. Though, to do that I would have to be good at math, and I am most certainly not. I would just love to study the stars and galaxies.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Depends on the person(s) involved. If its my DH, I am more likely to fight it out. If its a coworker or friend, I will probably just keep quiet. I think its because I am just more sure of myself with him.

    Big city or small town? Big Town. Can I answer with that?

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Make interesting snow sculptures. We rarely get snow, but when we do, I go all out with the snow sculpting. And, making snow cream...yummy.

    Where does all your money go? Eating out at restaurants. We do this too often.

    What book are you reading? Ina May's Guide to Natural Childbirth. (Was reading the Sookie Stackhouse novels.)


    ....and go!

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?

    Either homicide investigation with a 9-5 schedule (no dying after 5) or what I do now (SAHM) and getting paid for it. 

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?

    A small bit of fighting followed by the silent treatment 

    Big city or small town?

    Small town 

    Favourite thing to do in winter? 

    Sledding and drinking hot cocoa 

    Where does all your money go? 

    Bills and baby lol 

    What book are you reading?



    ....and go!

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? A MODEL. I HAVE A GOOD SHAPE BUT DONT MEET THE HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS ;/

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? BOTH. DEPENDING ON WHAT IT IS

    Big city or small town? I LOVE THE CITY

    Favourite thing to do in winter? SNOWBOARD

    Where does all your money go? BILLS, BILLS, BILLS

    What book are you reading? NOTHING AT THE MOMENT


    ....and go!

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers Trying to Conceive Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Nurse, hands down. I really wish I was a nurse.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Interesting question, I am actually receiving the silent treatment right now. DH doesn't like my new drastic haircut so he's not speaking to me.

    Big city or small town? Medium size city. I like everything at my finger tips but not too big of a city.

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  I love nights in watching tv and drinking tea with DH

    Where does all your money go? Bills and other fun stuff like that

    What book are you reading? Parenting from the heart

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?
    Fantasy: singer. In real life: there's a job I desperately want at a hospital that I applied to a while back. I heard from them before Christmas and they said there was some interest, but I haven't heard from them since.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?
    With DH, fight it out. With anyone else, I hold it in and suppress my feelings.

    Big city or small town?
    I'm a small town girl.

    Favourite thing to do in winter?
    skiing! I'm actually skiing with my dad in Colorado on Monday!!

    Where does all your money go?
    student loans and savings

    What book are you reading?
    Lean Six Sigma for Service and Micro by Michael Crichton

    ETA: formatting to make it easier to read. Mobile bumping.
    Team Green turned Pink!
    Samantha - 4/5/2017

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?   I would just love to be my own boss and make enough money to live comfortably and not worry. That's a problem since I don't have any good ideas. Haha

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?     Fight it out, for sure!!

    Big city or small town? Suburbs outside of a big city so it feels small town, but the good things about the big city are close enough to enjoy! 

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Turn on the fire place, curl up under a blanket with my DH, our furry babies, and a good movie!

    Where does all your money go? Bills mainly. Our only debt is our mortgage and we have paid a lot on it considering we built in 2010. I'm pretty proud of that fact! I don't have fancy cars like my friends, but I do have less stress this way! 

    What book are you reading? Kinda behind on the times, but Catching Fire. The second book from the hunger games trilogy. 

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? I love being a SAHM however i would love being an event planner too When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Def  a fight. I'm not patient enough for the silent treatmentBig city or small town? SuberbsFavourite thing to do in winter? drinking hot chocolateWhere does all your money go? DS mostly and saving for a new houseWhat book are you reading? I'm in between right now 
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Photographer, or anything working with animals.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Depends on why I'm ticked off. I'm more likely to get silent though.

    Big city or small town? Small town all the way. I'm from a small Northern Michigan town, there are too many people where I am now. Less friendly, too.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Watch movies. I don't like the cold, although the snow is beautiful to look at. Or curl up and read a book.

    Where does all your money go? Kindle books and downloading albums.

    What book are you reading? I've been jumping around a bit lately, and am too lazy to look up names right now.

    Baby Boy Due December 29th!

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?

    mounted police officer...but sahm works nicely too

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?

    I'm a fighter!

    Big city or small town?

    Does countryside outside big city count?

    Favourite thing to do in winter?

    Drink hot chocolate and play in the snow!

    Where does all your money go?

    medical bills and student loans

    What book are you reading?

    Dinner: A Love Story
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?  Anything that lets me stay at home with baby.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  Depends on who it is.  Some people are just too stupid to fight with.

    Big city or small town?  Small town

    Favourite thing to do in winter?  Hibernate, I hate the cold!

    Where does all your money go?  Doctors

    What book are you reading?  Nothing, my fav authors are being slow.


    ....and go!

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    If you could pick any job, what would it
    I think it would be great to own a pet supply store, run a bakery or an event coordinator

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?
    Depends on who I'm ticked off at!

    Big city or small town?
    Small town. I would never make it in a big city.

    Favourite thing to do in winter?
    Read, snuggle on the couch with my dogs and watch tv

    Where does all your money go?
    Bills, stuff for the dogs , helping my parents since my Dad is newly disabled and my brother is a lazy, non working college student

    What book are you reading?
    Getting ready to start Wicked Business by Janet Evanovich
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?

    SAHM for now, then L&D nurse or LC then nurse midwife.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? silent pout-er here!

    Big city or small town? definitely small town!

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Winter? Not familiar with the term...

    Where does all your money go? Fabric/sewing/crafting supplies

    What book are you reading? Grace Based Parenting and How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm


    ....and go!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Probably a SAHM, maybe doing some sales on the side

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? I'm a fighter.  I don't really do the silent treatment

    Big city or small town?  Somewhere in between.  But if I had to choose, big city.  I need a Costco at least.  So maybe bigger small town 

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Ice skating, skiing and hiking!

    Where does all your money go? Groceries!  DH covers all of our home bills like the mortgage and heating and I cover our food and outings.  

    What book are you reading? I just started Gone With the Wind


    BabyFruit Ticker
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be?
    SAHM, definitely.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?
    Yell and fight, I can't keep it in!

    Big city or small town? 
    big city - although I appreciate the benefits of a small town since I grew up in one, I love the opportunities that metro areas provide.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? 
    Wearing carves, ice skating, drinking warm drinks, cuddling by the fire and the like!

    Where does all your money go? 
    The Loft. Nuff said.

    What book are you reading?
    Reading? What? Oh, I should do that sometime...

    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD placed in open adoption 2/2007
    Married in 5/2010
    DD 5/2015
    DS 3/2016
    EDD 4/29/19
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? I already have my dream job!

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? I am more likely to argue, for sure - because I know I'm write. But I'm not likely to raise my voice or curse.

    Big city or small town? I currently live in a small town right off a big city. I've lived in small towns for ages.

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Drink hot cocoa, cider, and mulled wine and read good books.

    Where does all your money go? Rent. Student loans.

    What book are you reading? The 2nd in the Inheritance series (Eragon, etc.).

    Married: 4/2012 ~ DS: 11/2013

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? CIA agent, or an all kinds party planner.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Usually, I try to talk it out with the other person, but if I'm super ticked, it's the silent treatment.

    Big city or small town? I'm not sure which I want right now. I want my children growing up in a small community, but I don't want to drive for hours just to get to the nearest Walmart...

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Sledding.

    Where does all your money go? Bills, eating out, whatever DS needs.

    What book are you reading? I don't really have time to read...

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? Teacher, I have my dream job.

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment?  Fight it out.

    Big city or small town? Small town!

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Snuggle with DH.

    Where does all your money go? I have no idea! I wish I could figure that out...

    What book are you reading? Driftwood Summer by Patti Calahan Henery

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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? My current job but fewer hours, more teaching, and less administrative work

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? Fight it out

    Big city or small town? small town close to a big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter? snuggle up and watch movies

    Where does all your money go? savings, food

    What book are you reading? The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
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    If you could pick any job, what would it be? An Interior Designer

    When you are ticked off, are you more likely to fight it out or give the silent treatment? I let it all out and then go quietly on with my day.

    Big city or small town? Big city

    Favourite thing to do in winter? Sleep-I am not made to handle cold and that white shiit, I'd move somewhere sunny in a heartbeat.

    Where does all your money go? I ask myself that every Friday.

    What book are you reading? Last one was Beyond Shame by Kit Rocha, but I'm on a puzzle rage right now so the reading has been put on hold.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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