I am just thinking of what we would name our LO2 if it was a boy, and I know that I will not be using Josiah, or other J names that have an S in it. I might consider other J names, but I don't really like that many (I do like Jacob, but that is a BiL's name, so we probably won't use it).
As for girl names, our first daughter will be Emmalynn. I wouldn't use any other E-Lynn names (like Evelyn) or any other -lyn/n names. I might use another E name (like Eden) but no others with a double letter.
What about you?
ETA: Crud. I just saw that someone posted a thing about rules and they added a little thing about sib sets. Sorry for the double post. *facepalm*
Re: What makes a sibset NOT work for you?
The only thing for me is similar sounding names. We are big fans of Joshua but have pretty much ruled it out with our first son named Asher. Also I try to stay away from the same initial. I have a hard enough time calling out the right kid sometimes, I can't imagine their names starting with the same letter
Also for our naming criteria, I try to look for something that flows well with our last name. Based on that criteria, it helps eliminate some contrasting sibset names.
First round of Clomid in May 2012= BFP #1, DD born January 2013
BFP #2 in January 2014, DS born September 2014
My MiL did the same first letter (except for 2 girls, but one of them died when she was 4 months old and hardly anyone knows that, so most people think she hates the one child who doesn't start with J haha). I also think it is lazy or trying to be cool or cute, but yes, it is tacky too haha.
I do like a lot of E names for girls, but I'll probably only use one of them.
No names that rhyme or where nicknames rhyme (like Molly, Oliver - Ollie, Walter - Wally, Holly)
I don't like when kids have names that start with the same first letter.
Names of a similar style (for instance, Callum was our backup name for our son. Now it's out because it doesn't fit with the more classic names we have chosen and would look odd on a Christmas Card: Merry Christmas from Robert, Sarah, James, Elizabeth and Callum!)
See, I think the issue here isn't that the names don't match, it's that Jazzlyn Ryliegh is a horrible name (and this is perhaps compounded by the knowledge that the parents are perfectly capable of choosing better names). If Jazzlyn Ryliegh came first and was followed by twins Anna & Jacob, I doubt you'd be saying "wow, I wish they'd gone with something misspelled and uber-trendy to make a proper sibset!"
I personally don't care much about sibsets unless they are corny (themes, etc.) and/ or rhyme/ sound very similar.
Rhyming is the big one. I went to school with sisters named Gabriella and Isabella and just...eww.