I am about to name my baby boy and am going back and forth about his name. I always thought I would name my son after my brother who died when I was a child. I really like the name, my husband is on board, but... my brother died by suicide. I just don't know first of all if it'll be strange to use the name again, and also if people who know my family will think it is insensitive or morbid. The circumstances of his death are just more complicated than if it was a physical illness or an accident. I'm just curious what other people would think if they knew someone that named their child in this situation. The alternative is to use the name as a middle name, which I am fine with. The name choices are:
Stephen Reid or
Reid Stephen
Thanks for your opinions!
Re: Naming after a deceased relative
You have to decide what feels right to you. But I don't think it's morbid and I don't think there's any need for other people to know. If anyone asks about the name, you can say, "He's named after my deceased brother." That's plenty.
But really, do what feels right to you and don't worry about other people being judgmental. I really think most people would be sympathetic if they knew (and there's no reason for them to know unless you want them to).
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If you're worried about close family, like other siblings or your parents, you can always ask them their feelings about it. It's ultimately your decision and if the reason for his death doesn't bother you, then you should use it.
The middle name position would be the safest option if you're still worried about a negative reaction from your family.
Stephen and Reid are both nice names. It flows best with Stephen in the fn position if that matters at all to you.
All of this. Regardless of how the situation ended, if your brother meant a lot to you, then that's all that matters and I love that you are naming your son after him. It's really no one else's business anyway.
How nice to name the baby after your brother! In my faith, we only name after deceased relatives (no one living), and it's a great honor. I might talk to your parents, but I would bet they would be flattered that you would use the name to honor him. Regardless of situations in which a person passes, they were someone loved and cared for.
My mother named me after her grandfathers and uncle (and yet my name is completely female!). She used the first initials of the men she wanted to honor. If you were nervous about the specific name, you could always use the name's meaning and find another name with the same meaning.
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