I was induced with my first (at only 5 days late, a whole other story), and then ended up with c/s after just 14 hours, at which point I was just barely starting to feel the contractions. Now I want to try for VBAC, but as I get closer I'm getting scared of what might happen. Pain of contractions and pushing, the possibility of another c/s, etc. This is a bigger baby and all the unknowns are starting to freak me out. Anyone else in this boat?
Re: Anyone a little afraid?
It's definitely normal to be scared. Birth is a scary process. And you know everything that could happen, since you've been through it before. I cried the entire drive to the hospital for my second induction. The unknown and heading in for yet another induction was just too much.
But, my story ends well. 9 hours after they turned on the pit, I pushed out DD#2. She was 1lb small than DD#1, but still a healthy 8lbs 1oz. The contractions were intense, but the pushing was surprisingly motivating.
Good Luck! Try to enjoy the next couple of months, instead of worrying.
::raises hand::
As I just mentioned in another thread, this LO's head is measuring 3 weeks ahead, above the 98th percentile. A big part of the reason I want a VBAC in the first place is to be able to handle a toddler and a newborn fairly soon after coming home, and I'm now afraid I'm going to end up with a 4th degree tear and have a longer, worse recovery than a c/s would be. I'm scared and the control-freak side of me just wants the baby to turn breech so I can plan a RCS and be done with all the unknowns (although of course there can also be unknowns in a c/s recovery).
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence
I was induced at 38.3 with DS1 and wheeled in for a c/s after only 4hours on Pitocin as I was very low on fluids (been leaking for a while, but the tests kept coming back negative for amnio, so went undiagnosed for almost two weeks!). This time we?re good, but a part of me is still worried about failure to progress, failure to recognise the real deal, and tearing wide open!
At the same time I am very relieved to have been able to carry full term this time, and at least having the opportunity of a VBAC!
So many before us have done it, we can too!!
We planned on a repeat section up until the week before I gave birth, when DH started a soft sell on me to try for a VBAC. I wanted to minimize blood loss and recuperate faster as he had to go back to work sooner and we already had an almost two yo DD. Well, I took a wait and see approach, and we were in the midst of scheduling the section at my OBs when she noticed me leaning on her desk breathing a little heavy, and decided to send me to the L&D to make sure I wasn't in a "silent labor" as she called it. I was 38 wks 4 d. Well, I was in labor and they put me on pit so I could really "feel" the contractions. The next day, I pushed her out, 3rd degree tear and cervical tear and transfusions and all. I say this only because I would still opt for a VBAC over a section any day. The recovery was so much better than the section, although sitting and going to the bathroom was challenging for a while. I could stand up straight, carry my newborn, hold DD1, which I would never have been able to do several days post section. DD2 was 7.5 lbs, 21.5 inches long, and her head came out 14 cm without molding. If I can do it, and I am a big wimp, you can do it!
Also, my son's head measured HUGE, so much so that they sent me to a peri. Needless to say, he came out with a perfectly normal sized head. Late ultrasound sizing just isn't reliable.
As for recovery with tears, still doesn't compare to c/s recovery!! I had 3 degree tears and could do everything normally immediately after labor, which was amazing. I did have to be careful going potty for a few weeks, but that pales in comparison to not being able to function normally at all.
You can totally do it! Read some empowering articles/books while you prepare.
I'm kind of afraid. My main issue is that I see a group of OBs and of the two that I spoke to about VBAC, one was very supportive and one was very... not.
She said that I was not a good candidate (with no actual information about my first delivery or the reasons for my first c/s) and that it was surprising to her that I would put my health ahead of that of my unborn child. In her experience, most mothers would not do that.
I left in tears.
The other doctor said that he saw no reason why I shouldn't attempt a VBAC and was actually very encouraging, but that the policy of the hospital was that I could not be induced or get any pitocin during labor so if it became necessary I may end up with RCS. He has said that I can schedule a RCS for 41+wks and that as long as it happened naturally before that, I would be fine.
But I am really, really afraid of going into labor and going to the hospital and the first doctor being the one on call that day.
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
I'm glad you posted this. I'm already freaking out about it all, and I'm only 12 weeks. I'm scared of the possible complications, I'm scared of what giving birth will be like, I'm scared I'll wind up with another c/s... Ugh.