
How long to sit on the potty?

Yesterday was the first day dd asked to sit on the potty.  She sat on the potty four times - up to half an hour each time - yet no peeing on the potty.  How many minutes am I supposed to let her sit there?

Re: How long to sit on the potty?

  • I let her sit for as long/little as she wants. It takes time.
  • As long as they want to.  Or as little.  We don't force it either way.  If she's happy hanging out, DH or I will grab a story & read to her, or clean the bathroom or something.  If she just wants back off, eh, that's ok too.  I think it helps if they feel like they're in control and that it's ok to sit for a while & get used to it, etc.
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  • I was once advised to always keep it short. Some people say sing a song- some people say no more than 5 minutes. I think the reason is that if they haven't gone in that time they aren't going to. and then you are meant to put them on the potty in consistant intervals- like every hour- unless they ask to use it sooner.
  • I meant to add- this did not work for my daughter. It took her longer and I just had to let it come on its own. And it did in time. gl.
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