
Intro and question, this may be a bit long...

Hi! I've been lurking on here for a while now, and I think its about time I introduced myself. I'm 26, married to the most amazing man I know for 2 years now, we just bought our first house this past August. I am going back to school but will be taking this semester off as the twins should be arriving in the middle of it! We were not trying to get pregnant and were shocked when we found out we were. (good shock though) We didn't learn that we are expecting twins until our 16 wk ultrasound. The first thing the tech said was, "do twins run in your family?" my DH was white as a sheet! lol But after a lot of laughing and tears of joy I think the shock is mostly gone now. The Dr.'s think the boys are fraternal, they were "pretty sure" they saw two placentas. Twins are not foreign to me, as I said my half sister has b/g twins and I was a nanny for 5 years to 5 great kids, the youngest two were b/g twins. I started watching the them when they were 2 months old, so I do have SOME practice with twins but that was 5 years ago now. I love that this board is here! I'm the first of my friends to have kids and my half sister and I don't talk, so I think this is going to be a great resource! 

Ok the question part... do we really need a pediatrician or is a family Dr. ok? and when do we need to have one picked out? and this may be an annoying question (sorry! this is my first post) but I can't figure out this whole siggy thing, is it different when using a mac? 


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Re: Intro and question, this may be a bit long...

  • Congrats on your twins! Welcome to the board!
    Personally, I much prefer having a pediatrician since they specialize in childhood conditions and issues and I appreciate having that knowledge. Ours has been great. I'm sure even more so it depends on the individual dr though. I would try to pick one out by the third tri.

    Not sure about siggies from macs; sorry!

    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • I love our pediatrician.  I see a family doc for myself and my husband, but I wanted someone who would focus on just my kiddo, so I found a fabulous pediatrician.  Mind you this is totally out of the ordinary, but she actually answers the phone in the off hours herself.  We don't have to deal with the answering service and waiting for a call back.  She is totally awesome!

    If you love your family doc and think they would do as good a job with your kiddos, then stick with them.

    As for siggies, you need to get into your profile (you can do this by clicking on your avatar in one of your posts), then there should be an option somewhere about editing your profile, and editing your signature.  Sorry, i didn't step thru it, but that is the basics. 

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

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  • Congratulations on your twins!  We use a pediatrician for our son, so we will be doing the same thing with the twins. We just feel more comfortable that way. 
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  • Wow! Your pediatrician sounds amazing!   
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  • Congratulations!  I can relate to the shocked feeling :)

    With our DD, at first we just used our family doctor.  He saw her in the hospital when she was born and for the first few "issues" she had as a baby (thrush, ear infection, etc.).  I quickly decided that I would feel better with having her see a pediatrician, however, because they have so much more interaction and specialization with infants/children.  I felt a bit awkward about making the transition, because we like our family doc & I didn't want to offend him, but I don't regret it at all.  Our pediatricians' group is wonderful, and everything from the waiting area to the conversations we have with the doctors feels more specifically oriented to children.  

    I've had trouble with my siggy for several weeks now... I'd heard it was a problem on The Bump - and maybe it just hasn't been fixed yet?   

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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