Food Allergy

EOE ... need to vent yet again...

My 3-year-old was diagnosed with EOE a little over a year ago.  We went through so much with him (6 food elimination diet, then a radical elimination diet, then a course of swallowed budesinode....) The only thing that helped was the meds.  Once he was all healed up, we decided to try the 6 food elimination diet again to see his reaction.  He has been off the meds for almost 10 weeks and now the puking is starting all over again.

I just need to say that this *** is SO UNFAIR to a 3 year old!!!  This poor thing that vomitted 3x in the past 2 weeks.  (Meanwhile I puked once this morning and wanted to cry!!  Why does this have to happen to our kids??!!!  I really just want to go in my room and cry myself t sleep.  This sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok vent over.  Now back to reality... so i will call the GI doctor tomorrow, he;s going to request another endoscopy (this will be #5!!!!) and then probably put him back on the meds.  I hate this.  Hate hate hate.   

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Re: EOE ... need to vent yet again...

  • I'm so sorry you and your LO are going through this. It really does suck when food is such a source of stress and pain. :(   ((Hugs))
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  • I am so sorry you are going through this and that your little guy is suffering so much. I hope something improves and quickly.
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  • I'm sorry {HUGS}

  • Ugh, I can completely relate.  My DS1 has EOE as well, and I hate it.  I hope that you are able to find what food is tiggering this soon!
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