Cloth Diapering

Rash help

A couple of weeks ago, Lexie was put on antibiotics for a sinus infection and we put her in disposables to avoid stripping.  She is EBF and ending up having diarrhea and a rash that I thought resulted from that.  After the antibiotics were out of her system (10 days) I started her back in her cloth diapers using Grandma E's cream for her still there rash.  It seemed to get redder over the next 3 days, so I decided to put her back in disposables until the rash was healed.  We have been back in the disposables for almost a week and the rash is still there. With the sposies we have used both the purple desitin and coconut oil.

I think she is in pain from it but there is still a lot of redness and bumps.  It is no longer going up her bum and is just contained to the front of her diaper.  What should I do now? I had one diaper during the 3 days that had a horrible smell (I think barnyard? or the nasty poop she had) and my thought was maybe I need to strip.  She was in sposies during the NB stage and never had issues. This is the first rash we have ever had and I don't know when/if I should call the dr. HELP

"I will show you the kind of big sister I will be..."

Re: Rash help

  • My LO hasn't had a bad rash yet 3 mos. but he had had irritation several times. When this has happened, I put him in disposables and lather his butt with Aquaphor. Works every time. With cloth, I use CJ's BUTTer. Love it.
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  • I hear antibiotics and I immediately think yeast. You have to treat it with a nystatin. Lotramin, monastat, etc. Antibiotics kill good bacteria too so that's why women are more prone to yeast infections while they use antibiotics and the same goes for babies.

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  • imageBonnesetter27:
    I hear antibiotics and I immediately think yeast. You have to treat it with a nystatin. Lotramin, monastat, etc. Antibiotics kill good bacteria too so that's why women are more prone to yeast infections while they use antibiotics and the same goes for babies.
    I have the same thought. You should also treat your diapers. 1/4 cup of bleach in the main wash cycle. If your pedi says it is yeast and LO stays in cloth, you need to bleach every wash until treatment is over. Also, antifungal creams aren't CD safe, so you'll need a liner. Flushable are easiest.
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  • Thank you ladies, I XP to my BMB and they thought  yeast as well.  Dipes are in the wash now with bleach.

    "I will show you the kind of big sister I will be..."
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